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<p>[QUOTE="Mill Cove Treasures, post: 302360, member: 60"]If you can't get oxi-clean, drugstore peroxide will work. I found a recipe years ago that works great. I used a plastic tub filled with water and added 1 cup of peroxide with 1/2 cup of laundry detergent. Let it soak in the sun and check every half hour or hour to see if the stains are gone. Rinse out well and dry flat in the sun. I was amazed at how well this worked. For really dark stains, I used less water to make it more concentrated.</p><p><br /></p><p>It also worked on the seat of one of my chairs when it was stained with tomato sauce. I made the mixture without water. I used a brush to brush on the mixture and I kept wiping it with a clean cloth and left it in the sun to dry.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Mill Cove Treasures, post: 302360, member: 60"]If you can't get oxi-clean, drugstore peroxide will work. I found a recipe years ago that works great. I used a plastic tub filled with water and added 1 cup of peroxide with 1/2 cup of laundry detergent. Let it soak in the sun and check every half hour or hour to see if the stains are gone. Rinse out well and dry flat in the sun. I was amazed at how well this worked. For really dark stains, I used less water to make it more concentrated. It also worked on the seat of one of my chairs when it was stained with tomato sauce. I made the mixture without water. I used a brush to brush on the mixture and I kept wiping it with a clean cloth and left it in the sun to dry.[/QUOTE]
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