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Discussion in 'Ephemera and Photographs' started by mforder, May 4, 2021.

  1. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    I think N.G.N.J. stands for National Guard New Jersey. At least, I'm finding many references to a history of the 2nd Regiment (yours is for 7th Regiment) and the bibliographic information includes subject headings that start with "New Jersey. National Guard. Regiment."
    This is from the Online Books site at University of Pennsylvania:
    Firemandk and i need help like this.
  2. Joe2007

    Joe2007 Collector

    Wow that is really cool!
    Born2it and mforder like this.
  3. mforder

    mforder Well-Known Member

    Hi ya Figtree3,

    I was just looking and had troubles for some reason. What you said makes perfect sense. I 100% agree with you. Thank you once again.
    Figtree3 likes this.
  4. mforder

    mforder Well-Known Member

    Item #19:

    Ok this is an interesting one if you are a movie buff. I was contacted in 2002 by folks who had visited my original website where I posted a number of papers found in the "Steele Box" As you may already know the site is no longer out there but is was called "1800's Ephemera". The folks who contacted me were from Disney and producing a movie call "Open Range". They asked me if I would be willing to make them copies of a few pieces of paper that were found in the box and send them to them on a CD which I did. They told me they were looking for props and the images that they chose may or may not be used in the movie itself. I sent them a copy of a "Missing" poster/broadside and one of a hand painted paint sample sheet that you can see below.

    The movie starred Kevin Costner (Star/Director), Robert Duvall, Anette Benning and other very good actors and it was a very good movie in my opinion. Anyway I never though that the images would show up in the movie and yet they did. One was modified where they changed the name of the person that appeared on the original was "Richard V. Hall" which was changed to "Robert Sheridan". These images appear in two scenes in the movie, one in the jail and the other in the hardware store. Was I excited to see at least one the answers is yes. Up until today I never knew if the other "Missing" poster ever made it. I scrolled through a few scenes and sure enough I found it hanging on a wall. The other is inside of the hardware/general store next to the door. These papers are pretty neat for that reason alone. Who knew that the "Steele Box" papers would be in a movie when movies were not even invented yet. Small world. If you are wondering who owns the images no matter where they go it's me. Yes I still own the papers and the original images that were sent to Disney. I also have supporting emails a some paperwork that supports that.

    Paint-1a.jpg Open-Range-1a.jpg Open-Range-1d.jpg Open-Range-1c.jpg Open-Range-1b.jpg
    Last edited: May 11, 2021
  5. mforder

    mforder Well-Known Member

    One other note we may get lucky someday and see ephemera on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. Who knows... :)
    Figtree3 likes this.
  6. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    It's a great story, and also fun to watch a movie's sets and props so closely.
    Born2it and mforder like this.
  7. mforder

    mforder Well-Known Member

    Item #20:

    Rushton and Renton catalogues. I believe that these are some of the first catalogues Fromm Rushton Canoes, Sneak Boats etc. As to the Renton catalogue I admit that I have not done my homework yet on it. What amazes me is the artwork.

    Renton-1a.jpg Renton-1b.jpg Renton-1c.jpg Renton-1d.jpg Rushton-1a.jpg Rushton-1b.jpg Rushton-1c.jpg Rushton-1d.jpg Rushton-2a.jpg Rushton-2b.jpg

  8. mforder

    mforder Well-Known Member

  9. Firemandk

    Firemandk Well-Known Member

    Neat stuff ! Thanks for continuing to post it !
    Born2it and mforder like this.
  10. mforder

    mforder Well-Known Member

    You're welcome and thank you for the feedback. I did post this to a site where folks build and restore the old canoes and to a museum site that is strictly dedicated to that. It's amazing the talent these builders have and what the museum has collected over the years. I would share the website but I do not want to break the rules of this forum.
    Firemandk likes this.
  11. mforder

    mforder Well-Known Member

    BB-Morses-1g-sm.jpg BB-Morses-1a-sm.jpg BB-Morses-1b-sm.jpg BB-Morses-1d-sm.jpg BB-Morses-1f-sm.jpg BB-Morses-1j-sm.jpg BB-Morses-1m-sm.jpg BB-Morses-1o-sm.jpg Item #21:

    1890 Morses's Base Ball Schedule
    Last edited: May 27, 2021
  12. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

  13. Northern Lights Lodge

    Northern Lights Lodge Well-Known Member

    This is so cool! I will look at it all in good time!
    Aquitaine and mforder like this.
  14. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

  15. mforder

    mforder Well-Known Member

    Hope you enjoy it!
  16. mforder

    mforder Well-Known Member

    Item #22:

    1893 Base Ball Schedule - National League Base Ball and American Associations of Professional Base Ball Clubs.
    BB-Sched-2a.jpg BB-Sched-2b.jpg BB-Sched-2c.jpg BB-Sched-2e.jpg BB-Sched-2j.jpg BB-Sched-2L.jpg BB-Sched-2m.jpg BB-Sched-2p.jpg
    Born2it, Firemandk, Figtree3 and 2 others like this.
  17. mforder

    mforder Well-Known Member

    Item #23:

    1893 Promotional Base Ball Schedule & Scorecard - Gutta Percha Rubber Company. At the time they were better known for making fire hoses and golf balls.

    BB-Sched-1c.jpg BB-Sched-1d.jpg BB-Sched-1e.jpg BB-Sched-1b.jpg
    Last edited: May 28, 2021
  18. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    Those look to be in Great Condition!
    Born2it, Aquitaine and mforder like this.
  19. mforder

    mforder Well-Known Member

    They are. I think that's because they were mostly away from the rust in the box.
    i need help likes this.
  20. Bookahtoo

    Bookahtoo Moderator Moderator

    What an amazing treasure you have found.
    Born2it, Aquitaine and mforder like this.
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