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Vintage pincushion -- home-made or commercial? Era?
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<p>[QUOTE="SBSVC, post: 580082, member: 136"]Oh, my. I have <b>TWO</b> of these...: a rather small one, from when I was a kid, and one that's a fair bit larger, about 3" in diameter. I use them all the time.</p><p><br /></p><p>My Russian Blue cat, Stoli, absolutely LOVES them. If I leave my sewing for even a few minutes, he steals them & hides them. A couple of years ago, he actually pulled the "strawberry" off the little one & hid it under my Christmas tree. It was lost until we took the tree down and found it, under the tree skirt.</p><p><br /></p><p>Just yesterday, when I finished a sewing project and put away my sewing machine, scissors & accoutrements, before going out, I didn't realize that my "tomato" wasn't with the other sewing stuff. I was actually miles away, on the highway, when I realized that I hadn't picked it up & put it away.</p><p><br /></p><p>I called my husband from the road & asked him to look for it. He looked, but he didn't find it.</p><p><br /></p><p>When I got home last night, I started a search. I finally found it, right in the middle of my dining room table! I KNEW it was Stoli who'd "stolen" it - it's just his "thing"![/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="SBSVC, post: 580082, member: 136"]Oh, my. I have [B]TWO[/B] of these...: a rather small one, from when I was a kid, and one that's a fair bit larger, about 3" in diameter. I use them all the time. My Russian Blue cat, Stoli, absolutely LOVES them. If I leave my sewing for even a few minutes, he steals them & hides them. A couple of years ago, he actually pulled the "strawberry" off the little one & hid it under my Christmas tree. It was lost until we took the tree down and found it, under the tree skirt. Just yesterday, when I finished a sewing project and put away my sewing machine, scissors & accoutrements, before going out, I didn't realize that my "tomato" wasn't with the other sewing stuff. I was actually miles away, on the highway, when I realized that I hadn't picked it up & put it away. I called my husband from the road & asked him to look for it. He looked, but he didn't find it. When I got home last night, I started a search. I finally found it, right in the middle of my dining room table! I KNEW it was Stoli who'd "stolen" it - it's just his "thing"![/QUOTE]
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Vintage pincushion -- home-made or commercial? Era?
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