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Vintage gentleman’s travel case query
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<p>[QUOTE="Any Jewelry, post: 432132, member: 2844"]Welcome Missy. Love the case.</p><p>I have a similar case in red leather which used to be my grandmother's. She loved red, and had a matching hatbox, which I also have now.</p><p>The case has similar fluted glass containers, the lids on those are silverplated, with gorgeous Art Nouveau motifs. The other pieces vary a bit from yours, no alarm clock and more brushes, but it is the same idea and period.</p><p>She got it for her travels when she was still single, she married in 1922. In 1914 she was 18 and from then on she travelled a lot with her mother, mostly visiting family abroad. She may not have had the case and hatbox straight away, but sometime between 1914 and 1920, I guess.</p><p><br /></p><p>The alarm clock could have been made in any German speaking country, but I think Germany is most likely in this case.</p><p><br /></p><p>I wouldn't replace the silk. You would have to get a similar silk, make all the pockets and bands in a professional way, line cardboard with the silk, etc, etc. And after all that hard work you'd be left with a non-original antique.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Any Jewelry, post: 432132, member: 2844"]Welcome Missy. Love the case. I have a similar case in red leather which used to be my grandmother's. She loved red, and had a matching hatbox, which I also have now. The case has similar fluted glass containers, the lids on those are silverplated, with gorgeous Art Nouveau motifs. The other pieces vary a bit from yours, no alarm clock and more brushes, but it is the same idea and period. She got it for her travels when she was still single, she married in 1922. In 1914 she was 18 and from then on she travelled a lot with her mother, mostly visiting family abroad. She may not have had the case and hatbox straight away, but sometime between 1914 and 1920, I guess. The alarm clock could have been made in any German speaking country, but I think Germany is most likely in this case. I wouldn't replace the silk. You would have to get a similar silk, make all the pockets and bands in a professional way, line cardboard with the silk, etc, etc. And after all that hard work you'd be left with a non-original antique.[/QUOTE]
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