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Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain
Vaseline Covered Bowl w/ Stand
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<p>[QUOTE="George Nesmith, post: 174881, member: 177"]Initially they used the first letter of the company to designate the plant. They did A was the old Adams plant I do not know if they made glass there or how long. Tiffin was a factory they buily and eventually all of the consumer/table ware used that name and then USG changed its name to Tiffin. The satin wear like this was sold under USG until 1927 when the Tiffin label was used for it. Welkers book on pressed glass is probably the easist way to figure it out. Heacock's book on U D Glass has less detail. Just remember that US Glass was formed to reduce the over supply/inventory of glass on the market so production capacity had to be reduced. Greatly simplified. Tom would state it simpler and more eloquently than I can.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="George Nesmith, post: 174881, member: 177"]Initially they used the first letter of the company to designate the plant. They did A was the old Adams plant I do not know if they made glass there or how long. Tiffin was a factory they buily and eventually all of the consumer/table ware used that name and then USG changed its name to Tiffin. The satin wear like this was sold under USG until 1927 when the Tiffin label was used for it. Welkers book on pressed glass is probably the easist way to figure it out. Heacock's book on U D Glass has less detail. Just remember that US Glass was formed to reduce the over supply/inventory of glass on the market so production capacity had to be reduced. Greatly simplified. Tom would state it simpler and more eloquently than I can.[/QUOTE]
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Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain
Vaseline Covered Bowl w/ Stand
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