Unusual Tool???

Discussion in 'Tools' started by lptools, Nov 11, 2019.

  1. lptools

    lptools Member

    Hello, All. We may never know!!! I am thinking about hanging these, and a few other items, on the wall , as "Stumpers" Best $5.00 I ever spent. Regards, Lou
  2. Bronwen

    Bronwen Well-Known Member

    Know this has already been taken up, but, rereading, a memory came back of a couple of friends who needed to take a part off a drill. It was on tight & they did not want to make it worse by forcefully turning the wrong way. I asked which direction the drill rotated in. I pointed out that piece would become loose if it turned the opposite direction. It unscrewed by twisting right/clockwise. So, when in use maybe these rotate?
  3. springfld.arsenal

    springfld.arsenal Store: http://www.springfieldarsenal.net/

    nope, maybe I’ll try posting on Practical Machinist forum.

    (later). I posted there, will add link to it if it receives any responses, otherwise it is a waste of your time to go there.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2019
    Figtree3 likes this.
  4. springfld.arsenal

    springfld.arsenal Store: http://www.springfieldarsenal.net/

  5. lptools

    lptools Member

    Hello, springfld.arsenal. I am guessing that these may be torque specific. The one with the 0-20 is the easiest to turn/rotate, the 0-300 offers much more resistance. Again, these do not turn as in revolutions. Rotating the larger knurled end within the tube causes the smaller splined end to follow in the same arc. Am I making sense? Maybe I can get someone who is a little more computer savvy than me to do a demonstration video!! Regards, Lou
  6. springfld.arsenal

    springfld.arsenal Store: http://www.springfieldarsenal.net/

    Ok so the splined narrow end stays in the same plane but sweeps side to side in an arc as the other end is rotated?
  7. lptools

    lptools Member

    Yes!! Side to side, up and down, full 360°!! Thanks, Lou
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