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Transferware pattern ID

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by GingerSnaps, Jul 14, 2019.

  1. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    That Ridgways bit has convolvulus and woodbine or honeysuckle on it.
    i need help likes this.
  2. kentworld

    kentworld Well-Known Member

    Quick google search came up with this Worthpoint image:

    Might be 20th c rather than late 19th.
    Bakersgma and i need help like this.
  3. kentworld

    kentworld Well-Known Member

    Also, Etwall is a town/village in Derby, England. :)
    Bakersgma and i need help like this.
  4. GingerSnaps

    GingerSnaps Member

    Yes that's the site I mentioned in a couple replies and actually the one you're replying to :p.... that I had found last year when I first found the piece. They are incorrect in their listing because of the hallmark is much earlier. They just think it's "art deco" style.
    kentworld likes this.
  5. GingerSnaps

    GingerSnaps Member

    Oh...I was wondering what on earth "etwall" was. :D
  6. GingerSnaps

    GingerSnaps Member

    That does seems to be what the pattern is. I wish I could find other pieces with that design or more info about it other than the hallmark info I found on site.
  7. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    CD2C1149-8BB1-416A-BE4A-706DFCE7C91B.jpeg 4A7B6AEE-8695-486D-B4F6-D20A69686F1A.jpeg I think it’s a match, too. I put the Full Image, so maybe easier for someone to maybe I.D.
  8. GingerSnaps

    GingerSnaps Member

    Yes! It is very similar to that!
  9. GingerSnaps

    GingerSnaps Member

    yes that's the same pattern. I was thinking that perhaps the person that had originally sold that was referring to the style of the vase as art deco.
  10. GingerSnaps

    GingerSnaps Member

    I've found a good number of shards and another one yesterday that I'm trying to ID. It's funny how many patterns resemble each other from different companies yet aren't the same. The big piece I found yesterday I swore I saw before but what I thought it was isn't it. :(. It's so close but not it. I think I've ID'd 5 patterns now and the recent one with help here :D
  11. Ownedbybear

    Ownedbybear Well-Known Member

    Dont' forget that factories made transfers en masse and shipped them to different pottery companies.
  12. GingerSnaps

    GingerSnaps Member

    brownpitcher.jpg IMG_8369.jpg I wasn't aware of that. Thanks for the info. This is the recent piece I found. I don't even know what to call that pattern to search for it so I just was googling brown transferware again like I did for that first piece. I think it may have been a pitcher so I tried that combo and nothing so far

    I also found this bottom of maybe what was a saucer. I really can't make anything out but a couple of letters. It appears it's two people facing each other with one holding out something. I did try to find out what this is but still no luck.
    Last edited: Jul 22, 2019
  13. GingerSnaps

    GingerSnaps Member

    bluedish.jpg Large-Ridgways-Brown-Transferware-Aesthetic-Period-full-1o-720-32-f.png I wanted to give an update on one of the pottery pieces that I was able to ID that I posted. I had seen a few similarities with a Ridgways piece so I was googling that through Bing rather than google and found a matching piece!! It was the blue and white dish I posted a few replies ago. It is the Beaufort Pattern made about 1890 or so. I think it will be difficult though finding the same color and the same dish but I did find some pieces for sale in that pattern.
    Last edited: Jul 30, 2019
    moreotherstuff, Bakersgma and dgbjwc like this.
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