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Three bladed weapons and a projectile point

Discussion in 'Militaria' started by Hamburger, Feb 11, 2021.

  1. Hamburger

    Hamburger Absolute Beginner

    ritzyvintage likes this.
  2. ritzyvintage

    ritzyvintage Well-Known Member

    I sure did, but knives are not my thing. I am merely contributing "opinions" (like we all do) which may or may not assist. I am also referring to the 'blade' dated c1906 which certainly 'appears' to be a dragon blowing a flame. Sure, it may have been a personalisation by the original owner/maker, but it 'possibly' does have some significance in identifying it.
  3. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    ritzy, I have over 100 Indonesian keris and a few other ethnic and ceremonial daggers. Do you really think that I, or the blades specialists here, don't know that shapes and features are important? But we look not at one detail, but at the sum of details, and that gives us a clue to a specific culture and tradition.

    A few of my keris are dotted around the forum, you can take a look and see how little I know about dagger shapes and features....
    I already got that impression.:D
    I kept saying, let's wait for komo, because blades are his thing.;)
    BoudiccaJones likes this.
  4. ritzyvintage

    ritzyvintage Well-Known Member

    I didn't know that or about Komo, but 'opinions' are valid when 'trying' to assist.
  5. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    They are, but I didn't see any opinions, just one off the mark google result after another. And as I said, I don't have much energy, but on the other hand, I don't want misinformation to get out there.
    I am sure you were trying to help, but maybe next time look at the entire object, and don't rely on google to tell you the truth.

    Btw, after your Bowie knife post, I did say "Let's wait for komo, he knows about blades." So even if you didn't know before, you knew then.

    Manjushri never had a sheath for his flaming sword, another feature:;)

    BoudiccaJones likes this.
  6. ritzyvintage

    ritzyvintage Well-Known Member

    I don't know why you're being so argumentative, or what Manjushri has to do with this thread OR any of the items as pictured?

    Hamburger began by asking: I'd be grateful for anything at all on these.

    I've done nothing less than that, and in fact my first opinion was being typed-up during the time that You posted your own... opinion.

    I'm not going to get bogged down with toing & froing with tittle-tattle. Let's both agree to disagree with this one, eh?
  7. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    @Hamburger at the top of some Forums, (militaria one of them)
    You will find “pinned” references pertaining to that category.
  8. Hamburger

    Hamburger Absolute Beginner

    Yes, i need help -- those pinned resources are often very useful.
    i need help likes this.
  9. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Come on, ritzy, you yourself posted the sword of Manjushri, post #13. There is no denying it, it is an 'item as pictured'.
    So you brought Majushri into the thread, not I. Don't play games.

    In that same post you quoted me saying "Let's wait for komo, he knows about blades", which you also later denied.
    You've got to admit, my post was much more to the point, I correctly identified one (not an opinion, but fact), no google 'wisdom' involved, and I tagged someone who probably knows more.

    Now please stop quoting me or trying to engage me otherwise in a weapons thread. I will wait for komo.
    BoudiccaJones and all_fakes like this.
  10. all_fakes

    all_fakes Well-Known Member

  11. ritzyvintage

    ritzyvintage Well-Known Member

    Erm. sorry, but when or where have "I" mentioned Majushri, before You did???
    I merely showed an example of a dragon breathing fire, and ALL of my posts have been 'possibly' or 'perhaps' and 'such as' etc.

    A dragon breathing fire is not an image limited to East Asia or Buddhist Art.

    Whether or not Your post was much more to the point, is NOT the point here @Any Jewelry, you have failed to accept the meaning & context behind my posts, all of which have a degree of relevance. I'm not here to score 'Brownie Points' but it would seem that You are in this instance.

    I wont be acknowledging or responding to any further comments on this thread, and so please don't bother Me. Thank You.
  12. Hamburger

    Hamburger Absolute Beginner

    Any Jewelry has provided some valuable information and ritzyvintage's eyes spotted a dragon, but it would indeed be great to hear from a specialist.
    ritzyvintage likes this.
  13. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    All right, another go at #3, the one with the nicely carved bone hilt.
    I just spotted two makaras, which means it is from a Hindu or Buddhist country, just like the makara on the flaming sword of Manjushri which ritzy posted.
    As I said before, makaras are mythical sea creatures (not dragons!).

    The makaras:

    Whereas the makara on the Manjushri sword is typical of Himalayan makaras, these look more Indian. So it could be another Indian blade, albeit from a different tradition than your talwar.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
  14. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Speaking of the flaming sword of Manjushri, here are some others, also with a makara between the hilt and the blade, and a dorje/vajra finial, a very Himalayan symbol, though not exclusively Himalayan.
    As you can see, the makara has some elephant features.
    The flames are a symbol of the function of the sword and the power of Manjushri, not of the makara:



    The sword of Manjushri ritzy posted, which he later denied having posted. Also with the elephant inspired makara head between the hilt and the blade, and the dorje/vajra finial:


    As a general statement, in my experience, engraved images on the blade of a sheathed dagger etc, are often very personal. As such they are interesting, but in order to identify the origin one should look at the sum of features, as I said before.

    I posted this as an explanation for Hamburger.
    So please, ritzy, no more games, and as I asked before, no more replies to my posts or trying to engage me in conversation. You have already made your opinion of me very clear, no need for more.
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2021
  15. Hamburger

    Hamburger Absolute Beginner

    Thank you, Any Jewelry, for all that additional information.

    (Several new words for me there, BTW, and the first time I've seen finial refer to something that wasn't meant to sit on top of a church.)
    Any Jewelry likes this.
  16. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    It is one of my favourite words, so I use it whenever it is appropriate. And yes, it is a finial.:)
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