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<p>[QUOTE="say_it_slowly, post: 119147, member: 50"]I've become so skeptical these days LOL! I bought a small painting at a thrift (not your painting) after checking some sold prices and seeing that it seemed to be by someone that had at least some following. It's signed Roybal.</p><p><br /></p><p>As I delved into the painter online I found a bio and everything. Then I found some suggesting that it's really a made up person with a group of people doing the painting. Who knows? It's made me think twice about a lot of what I think of as sweet art.</p><p><br /></p><p>I don't see any reason a painter might not copy/repeat their own painting if it proved to be a "seller" especially if they were painting for a tourist market. The first thing I thought when I saw your darling child painting was that it was Mexican. (I have nothing to base that on though).</p><p><br /></p><p>Ok that was no help at all sorry<img src="styles/default/xenforo/smilies/frown.png" class="mceSmilie" alt=":(" unselectable="on" />. I almost deleted rather than post.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="say_it_slowly, post: 119147, member: 50"]I've become so skeptical these days LOL! I bought a small painting at a thrift (not your painting) after checking some sold prices and seeing that it seemed to be by someone that had at least some following. It's signed Roybal. As I delved into the painter online I found a bio and everything. Then I found some suggesting that it's really a made up person with a group of people doing the painting. Who knows? It's made me think twice about a lot of what I think of as sweet art. I don't see any reason a painter might not copy/repeat their own painting if it proved to be a "seller" especially if they were painting for a tourist market. The first thing I thought when I saw your darling child painting was that it was Mexican. (I have nothing to base that on though). Ok that was no help at all sorry:(. I almost deleted rather than post.[/QUOTE]
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