These bolts were driving me nuts!

Discussion in 'Tools' started by springfld.arsenal, Oct 19, 2017.

  1. terry5732

    terry5732 Well-Known Member

    They separate at a predetermined torque so you can't over tighten them
    judy likes this.
  2. springfld.arsenal

    springfld.arsenal Store:

    There’s a video animation (made by hucksters of course!) of how the break-off types work, but a better video of the “new improved” non-break off kind called “bobtail” may be more informative on this general class of fastener. This one shows the installation tool at work, the “swedging,” a cut-away section, and howdaheck you get ‘em off.

    Last edited: Oct 20, 2017
  3. springfld.arsenal

    springfld.arsenal Store:

    One interesting feature of this type fastener as opposed to traditional types is that during installation, neither the bolt nor the collar (replaces old “nut”) are rotated.
  4. AJefferson

    AJefferson Well-Known Member

    I was thinking with King a shear bolt as well.
    The company I worked for made ducting and the couplings (connections) for aircraft engines. There was an incident where the engine failed and fell of the plane. The bad part was that it took part of the wing with it and crashed. The problem being that the ducting connection between the engine and wing was too strong. The solution was to mill the center of the bolt (similar to what is pictured) so that it was strong enough to hold the connection for the function, but would fail if the engine fell of leaving the wing intact for flight. I was in charge of approving and ensuring that the bolt was within spec every time a new batch was milled. It was always on my mind that we built stuff that impacted lots of people and was responsible for approving processes, but this was the most direct decision that I had for the safety of others. I always checked it one day, let it set a day, and check it again before I approved it.
    Bookahtoo likes this.
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