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Antique Forums
The one that got away a few weeks ago
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<p>[QUOTE="MrNate, post: 901816, member: 5515"]Oh yeah, I can feel how bad that emotion would feel for you too johnny....And it brings up a good point actually. When I'm sorting through items I'm going to potentially buy, I make sure I'm respectful of other buyers too. I found something awesome and the seller informed me that someone was coming to look at it. I bit my tongue, but god knows I wanted to offer her more money to entice her to meet up with me. I bit my tongue, because it's not fun to get back doored on a deal. On this particular one, I think he just managed to figure out it was worth a lot more than he was asking. I'm fine with that, I'm fine with someone telling me that, the reason it stung more was because he fabricated a terrible lie to get out of the situation. In my eyes, if you make an agreement with someone who's driving a long way, you're locked into that deal. The time for re-evaluating if you should sell an item has come and passed. Just like the bag you found, it's available, it's for sale and should be sold at the price on it.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="MrNate, post: 901816, member: 5515"]Oh yeah, I can feel how bad that emotion would feel for you too johnny....And it brings up a good point actually. When I'm sorting through items I'm going to potentially buy, I make sure I'm respectful of other buyers too. I found something awesome and the seller informed me that someone was coming to look at it. I bit my tongue, but god knows I wanted to offer her more money to entice her to meet up with me. I bit my tongue, because it's not fun to get back doored on a deal. On this particular one, I think he just managed to figure out it was worth a lot more than he was asking. I'm fine with that, I'm fine with someone telling me that, the reason it stung more was because he fabricated a terrible lie to get out of the situation. In my eyes, if you make an agreement with someone who's driving a long way, you're locked into that deal. The time for re-evaluating if you should sell an item has come and passed. Just like the bag you found, it's available, it's for sale and should be sold at the price on it.[/QUOTE]
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The one that got away a few weeks ago
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