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Spinning wheel parts?
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<p>[QUOTE="Rayo56, post: 161327, member: 2022"]These are the "great wheels" - popular in the 1800's.</p><p><br /></p><p><a href="http://wildfernacres.blogspot.com/2010/05/restoring-my-antique-heirloom-great.html" target="_blank" class="externalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="http://wildfernacres.blogspot.com/2010/05/restoring-my-antique-heirloom-great.html" rel="nofollow"><img src="http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_o-HZDOEariE/S-LzEvoHsSI/AAAAAAAAFao/vFyHLTg_X2c/s1600/spinning+wheel167+(733x515).jpg" class="bbCodeImage wysiwygImage" alt="" unselectable="on" /></a></p><p><br /></p><p>Yours is called a flax wheel because of the distaff (which is really supposed to look like a birdcage) that holds the bundle of flax so you just pull some off of it and start spinning. I was under the impression flax fibre was oily and dirty and you would also have a little holder with water in it to moisten your fingers so the fiber will slide through them easier.</p><p>The bobbin (spool) you have ontop of the distaff holder probably doesn't go there. It looks to me like it is just a higher capacity bobbin for spinning a larger quantity of fiber.</p><p>My wife has never used her distaff appendage and has just taken the whole thing off her wheel as flax spinning now a days is pretty much extinct with all the new kinds of spinning fibers out there.</p><p><br /></p><p>This is my wife's antique CREEN flax wheel after I repaired it that she spins all kind of different fibers on. It is a double drive as you can see the drive band is doubled.[ATTACH=full]43996[/ATTACH] The hole on the upper left in the table is where the flax appendage went.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Rayo56, post: 161327, member: 2022"]These are the "great wheels" - popular in the 1800's. [URL='http://wildfernacres.blogspot.com/2010/05/restoring-my-antique-heirloom-great.html'][IMG]http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_o-HZDOEariE/S-LzEvoHsSI/AAAAAAAAFao/vFyHLTg_X2c/s1600/spinning+wheel167+(733x515).jpg[/IMG][/URL] Yours is called a flax wheel because of the distaff (which is really supposed to look like a birdcage) that holds the bundle of flax so you just pull some off of it and start spinning. I was under the impression flax fibre was oily and dirty and you would also have a little holder with water in it to moisten your fingers so the fiber will slide through them easier. The bobbin (spool) you have ontop of the distaff holder probably doesn't go there. It looks to me like it is just a higher capacity bobbin for spinning a larger quantity of fiber. My wife has never used her distaff appendage and has just taken the whole thing off her wheel as flax spinning now a days is pretty much extinct with all the new kinds of spinning fibers out there. This is my wife's antique CREEN flax wheel after I repaired it that she spins all kind of different fibers on. It is a double drive as you can see the drive band is doubled.[ATTACH=full]43996[/ATTACH] The hole on the upper left in the table is where the flax appendage went.[/QUOTE]
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