Featured Spinning wheel parts?

Discussion in 'Textiles, Needle Arts, Clothing' started by say_it_slowly, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. Rayo56

    Rayo56 Well-Known Member

    Yes - all the time. Makes items to the persons personal preference. I think she has a sight on Etsy but I'm not certain - mostly on Facebook.
    DizzyDaff likes this.
  2. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    I would love to see. Do you mind telling her Facebook ID? Or would you message me with it?
    Rayo56 likes this.
  3. Rayo56

    Rayo56 Well-Known Member

    I don't know anything about her facebook -(maybe I should? LOL) and Cindy is in Pa today for a family reunion. When she gets home tonight I'll ask her and send you her info. If too late tonight, then tomorrow.
    can I just have her PM you?
  4. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

  5. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Rayo56 likes this.
  6. VintiqueButterfly

    VintiqueButterfly New Member

    I have the exact same pieces and had no idea what they were….found them in the drawer of a hutch with hand carved wood napkin rings so I thought they went together somehow.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 22, 2021
    Figtree3, Bronwen and say_it_slowly like this.
  7. say_it_slowly

    say_it_slowly The worst prison is a closed heart

    I never did figure out what they were either. I think I got rid of them during one of my "do something productive like get rid of stuff" covid shutdown activities.
    Figtree3, Bronwen and pearlsnblume like this.
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