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Small Handled SP tray Use?
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<p>[QUOTE="DragonflyWink, post: 138995, member: 111"]Given the awkward height and angle of the handles, as already suggested, it most likely had a glass liner (would guess cut glass or EAPG with a base or foot that the curvature accommodated), the sturdiness of those handles suggest it was probably intended for table service. Can look through some catalogs when I get home, but at that size, too small for a bread tray, and seems a bit small for a celery too, perhaps a small berry dish, bon-bon, or maybe even a spoon tray - dating is probably 1880s-90s.</p><p><br /></p><p>Regarding 'Quadruple Plate', it was supposed to be heavy plating, but the reason so many companies stopped using the term was that some manufacturers didn't actually bother with leaving it in the bath for the extra time, those pieces showed wear quickly and the term developed a bad reputation. Somewhere in my files, have an old article with the statement International made when announcing that their companies would cease use of the term, believe Rainwater stated somewhere that it wasn't really used after 1912, and that's probably a fair generalization, but I've found records indicating that several companies continued well after that, and have found examples of 'Quadruple Plate' in later advertising and on articles made by companies not in existence until the mid 20th century...</p><p><br /></p><p>~Cheryl[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="DragonflyWink, post: 138995, member: 111"]Given the awkward height and angle of the handles, as already suggested, it most likely had a glass liner (would guess cut glass or EAPG with a base or foot that the curvature accommodated), the sturdiness of those handles suggest it was probably intended for table service. Can look through some catalogs when I get home, but at that size, too small for a bread tray, and seems a bit small for a celery too, perhaps a small berry dish, bon-bon, or maybe even a spoon tray - dating is probably 1880s-90s. Regarding 'Quadruple Plate', it was supposed to be heavy plating, but the reason so many companies stopped using the term was that some manufacturers didn't actually bother with leaving it in the bath for the extra time, those pieces showed wear quickly and the term developed a bad reputation. Somewhere in my files, have an old article with the statement International made when announcing that their companies would cease use of the term, believe Rainwater stated somewhere that it wasn't really used after 1912, and that's probably a fair generalization, but I've found records indicating that several companies continued well after that, and have found examples of 'Quadruple Plate' in later advertising and on articles made by companies not in existence until the mid 20th century... ~Cheryl[/QUOTE]
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