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Silverware trunk?
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<p>[QUOTE="Mansons2005, post: 222730, member: 121"]Probably originally intended for use in conjunction with a "picnic".........but that was the very, very, VERY last thing my Gram would have used it for...........Her idea of a picnic involved The Palm Court or Peacock Alley - and that could be considered roughing it depending on which/what nouveau "trash" was around</p><p><br /></p><p>But I distinctly remember her using it during the "summer migration", because I remember when she could no longer send it by express company (along with a gazillion trunks and crates) and had to arrange for a private trucker each spring. Oh, the horrors, trepidations, and taxing event of having her "companion" make a damned phone call................by the way - the Town House (Winter) and the Home Farm (Summer) were 40 miles apart...............</p><p><br /></p><p>And I know Ma used one in the winter to go south until the airlines wouldn't let her board it as luggage any longer. She shipped a "permanent" silver service to the house in Florida, but THAT created its own set of problems...................[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Mansons2005, post: 222730, member: 121"]Probably originally intended for use in conjunction with a "picnic".........but that was the very, very, VERY last thing my Gram would have used it for...........Her idea of a picnic involved The Palm Court or Peacock Alley - and that could be considered roughing it depending on which/what nouveau "trash" was around But I distinctly remember her using it during the "summer migration", because I remember when she could no longer send it by express company (along with a gazillion trunks and crates) and had to arrange for a private trucker each spring. Oh, the horrors, trepidations, and taxing event of having her "companion" make a damned phone call................by the way - the Town House (Winter) and the Home Farm (Summer) were 40 miles apart............... And I know Ma used one in the winter to go south until the airlines wouldn't let her board it as luggage any longer. She shipped a "permanent" silver service to the house in Florida, but THAT created its own set of problems...................[/QUOTE]
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