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Silver Spoon Hobby Painting Time Period
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<p>[QUOTE="DragonflyWink, post: 2990626, member: 111"]You did a good thing in rescuing it! And I have many modest spoons, they only have to 'speak' to me in some way.</p><p><br /></p><p>My wooden spoons are mostly Scandinavian, with several Welsh love spoons too, and a variety from elsewhere that just appeal to me, quite a few without much age - a few of my Norwegian spoons have a decent value, but I'm cheap and generally get outbid if something good shows up on eBay...</p><p><br /></p><p>How are these for folk art? My apologies if you've already seen them. They're probably a bit earlier than the painted ones, the large one is uncommon, it's over 15" long and dated '1900' (I love the checked handle) - their decoration is 'kolrosing', the tip of a knife used to incise the design, something like ground bark or coal dust rubbed in to darken the lines, then oiled.</p><p><br /></p><p><br /></p><p><img src="https://www.antiquers.com/attachments/norwegianspoons-2a-jpg.128779/" class="bbCodeImage wysiwygImage" alt="" unselectable="on" /></p><p><br /></p><p><img src="https://www.antiquers.com/attachments/norwegianspoons-2b-jpg.128780/" class="bbCodeImage wysiwygImage" alt="" unselectable="on" /></p><p><br /></p><p><br /></p><p>~Cheryl[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="DragonflyWink, post: 2990626, member: 111"]You did a good thing in rescuing it! And I have many modest spoons, they only have to 'speak' to me in some way. My wooden spoons are mostly Scandinavian, with several Welsh love spoons too, and a variety from elsewhere that just appeal to me, quite a few without much age - a few of my Norwegian spoons have a decent value, but I'm cheap and generally get outbid if something good shows up on eBay... How are these for folk art? My apologies if you've already seen them. They're probably a bit earlier than the painted ones, the large one is uncommon, it's over 15" long and dated '1900' (I love the checked handle) - their decoration is 'kolrosing', the tip of a knife used to incise the design, something like ground bark or coal dust rubbed in to darken the lines, then oiled. [IMG]https://www.antiquers.com/attachments/norwegianspoons-2a-jpg.128779/[/IMG] [IMG]https://www.antiquers.com/attachments/norwegianspoons-2b-jpg.128780/[/IMG] ~Cheryl[/QUOTE]
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Silver Spoon Hobby Painting Time Period
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