Sales catalog for N. Bloom & Sons LTD. London Unknown age

Discussion in 'Give Aways' started by Messilane, Feb 12, 2016.

  1. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Message sent! :happy:
  2. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    Congrats Bakers !!!!...........................................................................sigh....
  3. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Messi! The package arrived today and the pictures are stunning!! The color pages with the jewelry are jaw-droppingly gorgeous! :woot:

    Thank you so much for passing this catalog on. :happy:
    Figtree3 and trip98 like this.
  4. Messilane

    Messilane Well-Known Member

    Oh good! I'm pleased you are enjoying it!
    Bakersgma likes this.
  5. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    It's also got a lot of interesting descriptions on the silver pieces that are proving quite educational!
    Messilane likes this.
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