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Resurfacing vintage pine/steel workbench
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<p>[QUOTE="Jeff Drum, post: 333258, member: 6444"]I needed a piece of glass cut to fit an old storm window and the glass shop I used to go to has closed, and Home Depot doesn't do it anymore (at least not at my local store), so I went to Lowes and they cut it for me. I've cut glass myself with the hand-help cutters, but they have the big table that makes it easy so I figured why screw with it? When I got it home I couldn't understand why it fit so strangely in the frame; I flipped it and tried different ways to put it in. Finally I measured the piece of glass and found it was 1/4 wider at the top than the bottom - so their cutting table wasn't square! I ended up using it since it wasn't worth the trip to return it. Taught me the same lesson - measure it yourself before they wrap it up.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Jeff Drum, post: 333258, member: 6444"]I needed a piece of glass cut to fit an old storm window and the glass shop I used to go to has closed, and Home Depot doesn't do it anymore (at least not at my local store), so I went to Lowes and they cut it for me. I've cut glass myself with the hand-help cutters, but they have the big table that makes it easy so I figured why screw with it? When I got it home I couldn't understand why it fit so strangely in the frame; I flipped it and tried different ways to put it in. Finally I measured the piece of glass and found it was 1/4 wider at the top than the bottom - so their cutting table wasn't square! I ended up using it since it wasn't worth the trip to return it. Taught me the same lesson - measure it yourself before they wrap it up.[/QUOTE]
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Resurfacing vintage pine/steel workbench
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