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<p>[QUOTE="Ladybranch, post: 200991, member: 44"]Fig, the article on "<font size="4">Politics, Enterprise, and Design: The Nature and Influence of Windsor Chairmaking in Early Federal Rhode Island" is very interesting. Thank you for posting it. Duxbury chairs is not only mentioned in the a footnote but also up in the article:</font></p><p><font size="4"><br /></font></p><p><font size="4">"Chairs with gougework dots apparently were once common along the South Shore of Massachusetts and came to be known as “Duxbury” chairs. Supplementary information expands the production area. A fan-back side chair with gougework dots has a highly figured chestnut seat and stylistic features that strongly suggest a Rhode Island origin."</font></p><p><br /></p><p>Gee, like you said the Gutenberg Project does have drawing. Here's a direct link to the drawing:</p><p><a href="http://gutenberg.polytechnic.edu.na/4/4/7/5/44750/44750-h/44750-h.htm#Page_59" target="_blank" class="externalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="http://gutenberg.polytechnic.edu.na/4/4/7/5/44750/44750-h/44750-h.htm#Page_59" rel="nofollow">http://gutenberg.polytechnic.edu.na/4/4/7/5/44750/44750-h/44750-h.htm#Page_59</a></p><p><br /></p><p>Thank you again for your research, Fig! </p><p><br /></p><p>--- Susan[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Ladybranch, post: 200991, member: 44"]Fig, the article on "[SIZE=4]Politics, Enterprise, and Design: The Nature and Influence of Windsor Chairmaking in Early Federal Rhode Island" is very interesting. Thank you for posting it. Duxbury chairs is not only mentioned in the a footnote but also up in the article: "Chairs with gougework dots apparently were once common along the South Shore of Massachusetts and came to be known as “Duxbury” chairs. Supplementary information expands the production area. A fan-back side chair with gougework dots has a highly figured chestnut seat and stylistic features that strongly suggest a Rhode Island origin."[/SIZE] Gee, like you said the Gutenberg Project does have drawing. Here's a direct link to the drawing: [URL]http://gutenberg.polytechnic.edu.na/4/4/7/5/44750/44750-h/44750-h.htm#Page_59[/URL] Thank you again for your research, Fig! --- Susan[/QUOTE]
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