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Discussion in 'Tribal Art' started by popsycat, Dec 20, 2020.

  1. Northern Lights Lodge

    Northern Lights Lodge Well-Known Member

    Love the box also! I have a somewhat similar comb. Mine is longer with no inlay - just carvings. I was under the impression that it was from New Guinea... but I have thoughts that it could be African. I'm pretty sure it is carved bamboo. Dad served in New Guinea in WWII and it has always been with his "stuff". Although there is a possibility that it could have been from my Grandmother...she had a missionary friend in Africa who sent her things occasionally. She could have given it to Dad. I just remember it always being around when I was a kid. Leslie
    komokwa and moreotherstuff like this.
  2. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    @popsycat's comb looks like it may be Tuareg, with those silver pieces, or at least North African. The beaded mask is Huichol, from northern Mexico. The brass/bronze mask is West African (Ghana/Benin/Cameroon). There is lots of metal casting done in that area, with styles copied from one region to another. The brass/bronze plaque is from the same region, and may be specifically Cameroonian. They seem to favor those rings around the edges of their castings. The akua'ba figure (the wooden "doll" with the round, flattened head) is a traditional form from the Ashanti/Asante of Ghana, but is now reproduced elsewhere as well.

    @Northern Lights Lodge, I believe you are correct in attributing your bamboo comb to New Guinea.
  3. popsycat

    popsycat Well-Known Member

    Thanks for the info about the mask. Because of where I live, it is easier to find North African souvenirs and artifacts, but because of Mexico being a popular tourist destination we see a lot of souvenirs from there now.
    2manybooks and komokwa like this.
  4. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    the comb and box are lovely !!!
  5. Northern Lights Lodge

    Northern Lights Lodge Well-Known Member

    @popsycat Thanks for your opinion! I'm glad to hear that! Since Dad served there; I always hoped it had an origin there rather than Africa. I don't have much connection to Grandmas friend who went there as a missionary!
    komokwa likes this.
  6. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    I agree, it looks Tuareg, could be Mauritanian.
    The box certainly looks Mauritanian to me. Beautiful.
    2manybooks and KSW like this.
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