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Question about cabinet cards
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<p>[QUOTE="Figtree3, post: 247068, member: 33"]By the early 1900s the Eastman Kodak company had revolutionized the taking of photos by coming out with cameras with film, for consumers who were not professional photographers. For example, the Brownie camera. There were a lot more candid shots and photos coming out by that period of time, although of course the studios still did a great business.</p><p><br /></p><p>But as Kronos said, during an earlier period of time, say 1840s-1860s, there was often a distinction.</p><p><br /></p><p>And you did ask about cabinet cards. Those were taken for people at any level, since they were the dominant type of photo available in the latter 20-30 years of the 19th century.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Figtree3, post: 247068, member: 33"]By the early 1900s the Eastman Kodak company had revolutionized the taking of photos by coming out with cameras with film, for consumers who were not professional photographers. For example, the Brownie camera. There were a lot more candid shots and photos coming out by that period of time, although of course the studios still did a great business. But as Kronos said, during an earlier period of time, say 1840s-1860s, there was often a distinction. And you did ask about cabinet cards. Those were taken for people at any level, since they were the dominant type of photo available in the latter 20-30 years of the 19th century.[/QUOTE]
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Question about cabinet cards
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