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Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain
Pottery "Ear of Corn" 4" Pitcher - Where? When?
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<p>[QUOTE="Bakersgma, post: 257339, member: 59"]One of my recent estate sale Finds was this cute "pitcher" (or jug?) There was nothing on the tag beyond the price ($8, as I recall) and I'm curious to get your thoughts on when and where this was likely to have been made.</p><p><br /></p><p>The colored glazes (particularly the green) have a "majolica" look to me - and clearly pooled at the bottom of the outside and in the places where there were dips and dents. The inside is also glazed, but it looks like a clear glaze over a cream-colored clay. Maybe that was slip? There is one place just inside the rim where there was some kind of manufacturing flaw. The only "mark" is an impressed number 59 in the middle of the bottom. (I checked to see if it was something else from the opposite direction, but the 5 is definitely a 5.)</p><p><br /></p><p>I took a lot of pictures from different angles because the lighting kept changing the colors. Let me know if you need to see something not shown.</p><p><br /></p><p>[ATTACH=full]80094[/ATTACH]</p><p><br /></p><p>[ATTACH=full]80095[/ATTACH]</p><p><br /></p><p>[ATTACH=full]80096[/ATTACH]</p><p><br /></p><p>[ATTACH=full]80097[/ATTACH][/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Bakersgma, post: 257339, member: 59"]One of my recent estate sale Finds was this cute "pitcher" (or jug?) There was nothing on the tag beyond the price ($8, as I recall) and I'm curious to get your thoughts on when and where this was likely to have been made. The colored glazes (particularly the green) have a "majolica" look to me - and clearly pooled at the bottom of the outside and in the places where there were dips and dents. The inside is also glazed, but it looks like a clear glaze over a cream-colored clay. Maybe that was slip? There is one place just inside the rim where there was some kind of manufacturing flaw. The only "mark" is an impressed number 59 in the middle of the bottom. (I checked to see if it was something else from the opposite direction, but the 5 is definitely a 5.) I took a lot of pictures from different angles because the lighting kept changing the colors. Let me know if you need to see something not shown. [ATTACH=full]80094[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]80095[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]80096[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]80097[/ATTACH][/QUOTE]
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Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain
Pottery "Ear of Corn" 4" Pitcher - Where? When?
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