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Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain
Portieux Vallerysthal Glass
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<p>[QUOTE="scoutshouse, post: 413447, member: 267"]I found this site by Gina Glavin. She sells a lot of PV and obviously considers herself something of an expert</p><p><br /></p><p><a href="https://ginaglavin.com/chalk-talk-a-lesson-in-portieux-vallerysthal-sizing/" target="_blank" class="externalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="https://ginaglavin.com/chalk-talk-a-lesson-in-portieux-vallerysthal-sizing/" rel="nofollow">Chalk Talk: A Lesson in Portieux Vallerysthal Sizing</a></p><p><br /></p><p><img src="https://ginaglavin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/PVChalkTalk-1024x1011.jpg" class="bbCodeImage wysiwygImage" alt="" unselectable="on" /></p><p><br /></p><p>And this 3" cordial from Replacements.com - the only piece of PV they have</p><p><br /></p><p><img src="https://images.replacements.com/images/images1/crystal/P/P0000482370S0001T1.jpg" class="bbCodeImage wysiwygImage" alt="" unselectable="on" /></p><p><br /></p><p>The glassware I had was identified by someone who knew Imperial Glass well. He was my ace in the hole for all things glass, and I dearly miss him. He was a real character and appraiser/instructor in American glass.</p><p><br /></p><p>Not that he couldn't have been wrong (now I'm curious), just an opportunity to say how much we all loved and depended on him. Everyone should be so lucky.</p><p><br /></p><p><img src="https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQJVb_3pzVeu4kEJEaej5Z3d9Phj6CUzgmgJh7tH2tlKaEXryO2" class="bbCodeImage wysiwygImage" alt="" unselectable="on" /></p><p><br /></p><p>We looked forward to fall/winter when he busted out his full-length tweed coats, decorated with huge Weiss brooch.</p><p><br /></p><p>I'll dig around a little more to see if I can find my old images. Thanks for all the great research![/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="scoutshouse, post: 413447, member: 267"]I found this site by Gina Glavin. She sells a lot of PV and obviously considers herself something of an expert [URL='https://ginaglavin.com/chalk-talk-a-lesson-in-portieux-vallerysthal-sizing/']Chalk Talk: A Lesson in Portieux Vallerysthal Sizing[/URL] [IMG]https://ginaglavin.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/PVChalkTalk-1024x1011.jpg[/IMG] And this 3" cordial from Replacements.com - the only piece of PV they have [IMG]https://images.replacements.com/images/images1/crystal/P/P0000482370S0001T1.jpg[/IMG] The glassware I had was identified by someone who knew Imperial Glass well. He was my ace in the hole for all things glass, and I dearly miss him. He was a real character and appraiser/instructor in American glass. Not that he couldn't have been wrong (now I'm curious), just an opportunity to say how much we all loved and depended on him. Everyone should be so lucky. [IMG]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQJVb_3pzVeu4kEJEaej5Z3d9Phj6CUzgmgJh7tH2tlKaEXryO2[/IMG] We looked forward to fall/winter when he busted out his full-length tweed coats, decorated with huge Weiss brooch. I'll dig around a little more to see if I can find my old images. Thanks for all the great research![/QUOTE]
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