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Please id & date two high wooden sculptures
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<p>[QUOTE="2manybooks, post: 429607, member: 8267"]I hesitate to weigh in on this thread, but I am going to do it anyway. The posture of Gianluca's carvings seem to be trying to copy traditional forms in Hindu sculpture - specifically the crossed legs, the clinging garments that look like stripes around the legs, and the trailing sashes:</p><p><img src="https://i.pinimg.com/originals/73/cf/26/73cf2673908396778659f74570dd565e.jpg" class="bbCodeImage wysiwygImage" alt="" unselectable="on" /></p><p><br /></p><p><img src="https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ee0c539d88e64a21cc896910bb5c3748-c" class="bbCodeImage wysiwygImage" alt="" unselectable="on" /></p><p><a href="https://www.quora.com/What-did-Indian-women-wear-in-the-7th-to-8th-century" target="_blank" class="externalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="https://www.quora.com/What-did-Indian-women-wear-in-the-7th-to-8th-century" rel="nofollow">https://www.quora.com/What-did-Indian-women-wear-in-the-7th-to-8th-century</a></p><p><br /></p><p>But obviously the wooden sculptures are much more crude. I found one link that may be relevant, for contemporary wooden sculptures produced in India for interior decoration. They are described as "Antique" but then they go on to say that "These <b><i>Vintage Inspired</i></b> Wooden Hand-Carved Statues Are Sure To Add That Royale Charm To Your Decor. We Spend So Much Time At Certain Places That It Becomes Imperative That Those Spaces Look Beautiful Too. Crafted With Perfection, This Artefact Is Sure To Add Magic To Any Decor". (My emphasis added.):</p><p><img src="https://rukminim1.flixcart.com/image/832/832/showpiece-figurine/h/z/5/wd12-sanskrite-india-original-imaechuhgyshdjbv.jpeg?q=70" class="bbCodeImage wysiwygImage" alt="" unselectable="on" /></p><p><a href="https://www.flipkart.com/sanskrite-india-hand-carved-wooden-statue-home-wall-dcor-tribal-art-decorative-showpiece-20-3-cm/p/itmeck4smubqhnh5" target="_blank" class="externalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="https://www.flipkart.com/sanskrite-india-hand-carved-wooden-statue-home-wall-dcor-tribal-art-decorative-showpiece-20-3-cm/p/itmeck4smubqhnh5" rel="nofollow">https://www.flipkart.com/sanskrite-india-hand-carved-wooden-statue-home-wall-dcor-tribal-art-decorative-showpiece-20-3-cm/p/itmeck4smubqhnh5</a></p><p><br /></p><p>Currently out of stock, but who knows what else they have produced.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="2manybooks, post: 429607, member: 8267"]I hesitate to weigh in on this thread, but I am going to do it anyway. The posture of Gianluca's carvings seem to be trying to copy traditional forms in Hindu sculpture - specifically the crossed legs, the clinging garments that look like stripes around the legs, and the trailing sashes: [IMG]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/73/cf/26/73cf2673908396778659f74570dd565e.jpg[/IMG] [IMG]https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ee0c539d88e64a21cc896910bb5c3748-c[/IMG] [URL]https://www.quora.com/What-did-Indian-women-wear-in-the-7th-to-8th-century[/URL] But obviously the wooden sculptures are much more crude. I found one link that may be relevant, for contemporary wooden sculptures produced in India for interior decoration. They are described as "Antique" but then they go on to say that "These [B][I]Vintage Inspired[/I][/B] Wooden Hand-Carved Statues Are Sure To Add That Royale Charm To Your Decor. We Spend So Much Time At Certain Places That It Becomes Imperative That Those Spaces Look Beautiful Too. Crafted With Perfection, This Artefact Is Sure To Add Magic To Any Decor". (My emphasis added.): [IMG]https://rukminim1.flixcart.com/image/832/832/showpiece-figurine/h/z/5/wd12-sanskrite-india-original-imaechuhgyshdjbv.jpeg?q=70[/IMG] [URL]https://www.flipkart.com/sanskrite-india-hand-carved-wooden-statue-home-wall-dcor-tribal-art-decorative-showpiece-20-3-cm/p/itmeck4smubqhnh5[/URL] Currently out of stock, but who knows what else they have produced.[/QUOTE]
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Please id & date two high wooden sculptures
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