Please Help -Tribal African Art Statues

Discussion in 'Tribal Art' started by Petunia, Jun 9, 2021.

  1. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    I find these types of figures to be very offensive, catering to the worst ignorance and prejudice of too many people. Barely acceptable if passed off as kitsch, to imply they are genuine tribal artifacts from anywhere is detestable.
    all_fakes, judy, Any Jewelry and 2 others like this.
  2. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    So do I.
    Couldn't agree more.
    In the listing it still says African Tribal, which isn't only hugely offensive, but also a blatant lie.
    judy, 2manybooks and wiscbirddog like this.
  3. Petunia

    Petunia Member

    Thank you, I appreciate the info, I really do, can you post pics of yours? This has gotten wayyyyy out of hand, the man I purchased everything from was selling his mother's estate, he said she traveled to Africa on senior's tours and such and just bought lots of souvenirs, had these shipped home, etc. I found a similar one that sold for $400 with the help of someone on this site. Then another person was comparing them to the $20 desk-top figurines of the silly figurines playing the guitar and riding skateboards, motorcycles, etc. So, it has not been fun in the least...

    I like this site as I usually find the weirdest, unique, odd items and love the professional and knowledgeable advice people give. It's just sad that I'm now referred to as a fraud, a con artist, a much-hated person, and my Ebay account is being flagged....very harsh, to say the least. I just came back on this site to thank you for the info on the ones you have. I do not mind if someone pays $100 for each of them. I purchased them and had to also pay to have them delivered to my home. They are super heavy, very large, solid wood, hand carved and signed.

    I admit I'm a complete amateur, but they are striking and certainly appear to be African tribal people - I do know know of any other culture they were trying to depict? Anyway, thanks for letting me vent, if someone on Ebay wants to buy decorative statues, I do not think that's a crime. My apologies to all who think I'm mis-leading the general public, my fault in not knowing how to describe/list them.
    komokwa likes this.
  4. Petunia

    Petunia Member

    Yeah, they are scary, in doing a quick google search, I see a lot of stuff as tribal, African, warrior, I did not make them, I purchased them, as did someone before me, somebody carved these, signed them and marketed them, sold them.

    Maybe 98 percent of artwork, figurines, paintings, etc - that are marketed as African/Tribal/Warrior/Ethnic are very offensive. I'm just one person here.....I feel as if I do not throw them to the curb, I am the number one target here for being a rotten, horrible, person. It seems like the reach should be further - call out anyone or any site the sells things that do not depict the African Tribal Culture/History in a better, more respectable, more accurate light.
  5. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    My apologies to all who think I'm mis-leading the general public, my fault in not knowing how to describe/list them.

    I gave you a " like " .....for this quote....thinking that it came from the heart....

    "This has gotten wayyyyy out of hand,".................your words....
    time to move on to other things & let this thread fade I believe you've made your point !:)
  6. 2manybooks

    2manybooks Well-Known Member

    Acknowledging komo's point, in closing..........

    @Petunia, you are not responsible for creating these figures. But you should be responsible for breaking the chain of misinformation about them, particularly after the advice you received here. The circumstances under which you acquired them, or how much you paid for them, does not have any bearing on the truth of what they are (and are not).

    You admit you are unfamiliar with such objects. Several knowledgeable people on the forum have told you that these figures are not African made, nor do they represent Africans. They are caricatures made in Indonesia (regardless of where the elder traveler may have acquired them). But your ebay listing still describes them as "Tribal African figures". This is the reason so many of us are upset with you.
  7. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member


    Petunia, you can't claim ignorance anymore. You now know what they really are. You already knew that when you put up the listing, yet you deliberately misrepresent them as being Tribal African. Neither of these terms are true, and you know it. That is harsh, not the fact that someone found you out.
    It was your own choice to misrepresent these items. You are not a victim here, so please don't act like one, no one will fall for that. You can defend your continuation of those lies until you are blue in the face, no one here will believe you.
    Every time you rekindle this discussion you are only making your position worse, so it is best to stop.
    Last edited: Jun 12, 2021
  8. Alesia42

    Alesia42 Active Member

    Those are not African ....they look more like reproductions inspired by the little statue from the 70's movie Trilogy of Terror ....
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
  9. Alesia42

    Alesia42 Active Member

    ...but something about the eyes and ears resemble a really old Chinese antique statue that I saw a pic of...they were pics of statues/mask from the Chinese Archaic period....I'm not saying that they are Chinese....but only that the eyes, nose look very different and similar.......I'm no expert however
    Last edited: Jun 15, 2021
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