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Featured Pick every day ?

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by bosko69, Jan 22, 2025.

  1. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    In many ways I wish I could go back and do all the picking all over again with the knowledge I have today. In comparison to the people here, I have little knowledge, but I have learned so much over the years. I still remember my first ever estate sale. I remember the house had a white picket fence and was in Queens. Someone kind there on the line, told me I need a number. By the time I got in to the house, it was like there was a tornado of people running, grabbing, pushing and so on. I kind of stood in the middle of the living room in the middle of the tornado to take it all in.

    I remember I purchased a vintage hand towel from probably the 40's with the label still on.

    I learned quickly who my competitors were for the items I wanted. Back then there were literally no photos for sales and no gps. Printing out mapquest was a must.
    I also learned of some of the worst people at these sales that were favorites of the estate sale runners and pushed their weight around. I had to toughen up.

    I also wish I could get back the enthusiasm and the energy I had back then. But those days are gone. I have my own collection of depression glass here as well as other items. i still like to look at some sales now and then, but certainly not as much as my younger days.
  2. ola402

    ola402 Well-Known Member

    Everything has changed dramatically since the Pandy. All of the live auctions went on line and stayed there. So you're competing with a lot of retail buyers. The tag sale prices have increased because of this but they're one of the few places to buy where you can see an item before you're stuck with it. The Thrifts aren't worth the effort. It's all clothes and crap. I remember when there was a thrift near downtown where you could buy old furniture. It's closed. It's a seller's market now. So I'm doing what you all are doing - selling down my old inventory (ruthlessly!). Mostly in the annual garage sale around here. I would like to return to ebay but it's just not possible.
  3. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    Covid was a terrible time for all of us, but it sure kicked selling into high gear. The only downside to selling during that time was pkgs not making their way to buyers due to usps slow downs.

    From what I read, clothes are selling well now. During covid craft kits, vintage cook ware and cookbooks, puzzles etc flew out of my shop and others who sold similar things. People still buy those things but more around holiday time.

    I mostly go to church thrift shops if I feel like it because their prices for the most part have stayed the same except for jewelry they might sell. I haven't been to them in years tho as I try my best not to buy more. Maybe in the spring I will start going again if I can muster some energy and my jalopy cooperates.

    Many here that started online auctions were previously selling at estate sales. They changed the way they do biz and seem to be doing ok, since they have not changed back. I won't buy anything unless I am there in the house and can look at it and hold it.
  4. johnnycb09

    johnnycb09 Well-Known Member

  5. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    I still pick 3-5 times a week but not a zealous as I used to be when I had shop space. Used to go to multiple places daily, sometimes even twice. These days, I am lucky to hit only the best place but sometimes two. I do hit an out of town thrift a couple times a month and sometimes go a bit further afield. As far as thrift stores go, I think the pickings for antiques and vintage stuff is actually better than it used to be 20-25 years ago. I think there used to be more dealers and, thus, more competition then. Also, as mentioned, a lot of the people looking don't concentrate on old stuff any more. I do think the very best stuff never makes it to a thrift store. There is more knowlege readily available and many more venues for selling.
  6. anundverkaufen

    anundverkaufen Bird Feeder

    I pick 5 days a week and work the other 2 days a week, sometimes I’ll go before work too so sometimes 6-7 days a week.
  7. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    wish I had your energy.
    johnnycb09, laura9797 and 808 raver like this.
  8. 808 raver

    808 raver Well-Known Member

    I pick online, as I've done for 20 years, 6 days a week, I find the chase of finding a rare and beautiful antique incorrectly listed in amongst 1000's of boring items irresistible.
  9. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    The magic words.:happy: That is how I find most of my 'stuff' too. I even search using incorrect terms, knowing I have a chance of finding something good.:playful:
  10. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

    I used to go "picking" when I lived in Paris 25 years ago. No charity shops there, but flea markets, fairs and malls. Since I live in the country side now, I hunt on EBay all day long! Of course bad descriptions, crappy pics and incorrect terms are my provider of bargains:joyful:.
    Now that hubby registered as an "antique dealer" as a re conversion job he opened a gallery on Proantic (after selling on EBay for one year and being ripped off by the fees:nailbiting:) I mission him to sell my things:rolleyes:. He gives me back my costs, pay his URSSAF cotisations and taxes then put what profit is left on our joined bank account:greedy::). Till now, not for bad results, even if he complains all items doesn't sell at the minute and he spend hours to take wonderful photos:facepalm: (yes, he is a PERFECTIONIST!!!).
    I now have a perfect excuse to keep on hunting and buying, nearly one item a day:sorry::angelic::joyful:
    RachelW, bercrystal, komokwa and 7 others like this.
  11. 808 raver

    808 raver Well-Known Member

    If I type "carved box" into ebay I get 55,000 results or ebony box 1,800 results or inlaid wooden box 3,700 results or micro mosaic box 607. Boxes are so numerous that it's easy to find someone not knowing what they have listing it without making it easy to find ie "antique" "Indian" ect
  12. pearlsnblume

    pearlsnblume Well-Known Member

    Let us not forget bowel instead of bowl.
  13. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Torques instead of turquoise is also one of my favourites.
  14. kyratango

    kyratango Bug jewellery addiction!

  15. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Just one lovely thing after another.

    Any Jewelry, laura9797 and kyratango like this.
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