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Pennsylvania Dutch chest
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<p>[QUOTE="Jeff Drum, post: 686201, member: 6444"]Good pic. That shows this board isn’t plywood, but a piece of reused old wood cut down.</p><p><br /></p><p>So based on that, I’ll say it started as a mid to late 19th (because each side is two butted boards) dovetail chest. Then later addition of panel frames and paint to look basically like the second chest James showed. But the added frames make the lid fit strange since they butt into the lid overhang instead of being overlapped. And of course the added legs aren’t right either.</p><p><br /></p><p>You can either keep it as is, as a decorative piece made from an older chest. Or do a lot of work to remove paint and panel frame to go back to a plain wood chest. Frankly I’d leave it as is because removing paint is a lot of work and it has a certain charm as is, even if not an authentic antique piece.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Jeff Drum, post: 686201, member: 6444"]Good pic. That shows this board isn’t plywood, but a piece of reused old wood cut down. So based on that, I’ll say it started as a mid to late 19th (because each side is two butted boards) dovetail chest. Then later addition of panel frames and paint to look basically like the second chest James showed. But the added frames make the lid fit strange since they butt into the lid overhang instead of being overlapped. And of course the added legs aren’t right either. You can either keep it as is, as a decorative piece made from an older chest. Or do a lot of work to remove paint and panel frame to go back to a plain wood chest. Frankly I’d leave it as is because removing paint is a lot of work and it has a certain charm as is, even if not an authentic antique piece.[/QUOTE]
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Pennsylvania Dutch chest
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