If I could submit another fact for you all to put into the equation here: I never saw a lock like those pictured until recently. If this type just popped up for the first time in the US within the last year or two, that should tell you something. Wonder when the first ones appeared on E-boo? The roughly heart-shaped Indo-Pakistani repros in all sizes have been around since at least the 1970's when I bought some new-in-the-box overseas. Maybe the fakers thought that now those were fully exposed in the American antiques trade and another design was needed. Anyway, I would challenge anyone to find firm evidence that any of the "old" locks similar to those in this thread existed before say 5 years ago. Any supposedly antique lock that comes complete with two original keys should be regarded with suspicion.
Any supposedly antique lock that comes complete with two original keys should be regarded with suspicion Amen to that, the usual number is no keys.
Any supposedly antique lock that comes complete with two original keys should be regarded with suspicion Amen to that, the usual number is no keys. I vote repro.
Good to know-they go back at least that far. In the future we can tell newbies "They were first noted outside of India in about 2001."
Ok I'm doing the web surfing on this now. I'm surprised that I haven't found photos of this type of lock on the lock collector sites, but many of those sites don't seem up-to-date, with dead links etc. Amazing that all of this type lock I see pictured on E-boo have exactly the same patina. I should probably check the many current E boo listings and see how many are relistings and how many sold recently. Too many of the same item in same condition would make most collectors suspicious.
Just for the heck of it I scrolled thru the first 3000 items on E boo that resulted from an advanced search for locks from India only. 29 were the same as those we're discussing and over half of those come with two keys. Draw your own conclusions, I guess.
I went to her links, let's look at this one: http://www.aschkenes.com/18th Century Screw Key Locks 1.htm: I saw many, many copies of all of these locks in my tour of the first 3000 from India. In my personal opinion, every one of the "screw key locks" on that page is a reproduction lock made in India rather recently. I'm getting the feeling, even knowing almost nothing about locks, that "screw key locks" are a fairly recent invention in India, and are entirely a hoax. If a screw is present it has no function except to further the India lock fantasy. I think the KEY to recognizing repro India locks is indeed the key. Notice how similar the keys are among the locks on that page. OP's key has little if any patina compared to the lock itself. At this moment at least, every single lock on that page seems like a 21st C. fantasy item to me.
Every one of the "smokehouse locks" on the same person's page is a modern repro, I can guarantee you that. http://www.aschkenes.com/Smokehouse Locks 1.htm
these too http://www.aschkenes.com/Miniature English Brass Locks 1.htm Maybe all his other pages are kwap too. Could it be that the site owner is really clueless about all that scrap metal? Maybe he's working for the India Fantasy Lock Cartel?
Well I guess you just can't believe everything you see on the web......even if the site is very professional looking.
One of many webpages with info on fake locks. Says many come from China as well as from India. http://www.gatreasures.com/index.php?main_page=page&id=10
OK then, "fake antique lock," hope that makes you and your lock feel better! Or, oooh, how 'bout "Functional Fantasy lock?"