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Old Hawaiian clothing label
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<p>[QUOTE="silverthwaite II, post: 229013, member: 4291"]Ohrbach's! Discovered that store when I first moved to Manhattan, and I loved to buy there. </p><p><br /></p><p>One <i>shopped e</i>lsewhere, and then went to Ohrbach's to buy the desired item at anywhere from 40 to 70% less. And, yes, it was the same thing -- label and all. One went into the entrance on 35th Street, rather than the one on 34th, because that's where the smallish room was where they stashed the specially discounted stuff. One Saturday it would be boots, the next, Olga lingerie, and next, winter coats. One never knew what prize would be waiting. </p><p><br /></p><p>And up a couple of floors, there was a center section where one could buy designer outfits starting at $7.00. Really! The labels were often cut out, but if one had gone to Saks, or Lord & Taylor, or B. Altman's, first, one recognized some of them.</p><p><br /></p><p>Gee... Shopping is not nearly as much fun anymore![/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="silverthwaite II, post: 229013, member: 4291"]Ohrbach's! Discovered that store when I first moved to Manhattan, and I loved to buy there. One [I]shopped e[/I]lsewhere, and then went to Ohrbach's to buy the desired item at anywhere from 40 to 70% less. And, yes, it was the same thing -- label and all. One went into the entrance on 35th Street, rather than the one on 34th, because that's where the smallish room was where they stashed the specially discounted stuff. One Saturday it would be boots, the next, Olga lingerie, and next, winter coats. One never knew what prize would be waiting. And up a couple of floors, there was a center section where one could buy designer outfits starting at $7.00. Really! The labels were often cut out, but if one had gone to Saks, or Lord & Taylor, or B. Altman's, first, one recognized some of them. Gee... Shopping is not nearly as much fun anymore![/QUOTE]
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Old Hawaiian clothing label
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