Featured New game: Yea or Nay?

Discussion in 'Art' started by verybrad, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Have been away from home for several days. Just got home and will post a new pair later tonight.
  2. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Pair #4

    Painting A: Oil or Acrylic on board approx. 10" x 14"

    Painting B: Oil or acrylic on board. Approx. 22" x 28"
    KingofThings likes this.
  3. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member

    I much prefer the second picture.

    I think it has a "Lenten" feeling about it -- perhaps because of the large fish (and possible small fish) on the platter and the cut "lemon" near the fish(es).

    I am also seeing the Virgin Mary behind the platter of fish. I also see what looks to me like the heads of two people (one on each side of the Virgin Mary).
    KingofThings and verybrad like this.
  4. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member


    Painting A looks to me like a still life of vase with flowers and scattered fruit at the base as seen through a window. Almost has a stained glass window look to it with the black lines. The flowers being fat white roses and plenty of them. It's not something I would buy, but I like it more as I look at it more.

    Painting B was confusing before I read what yourturn wrote about it. I saw a big loaf of bread and half orange with several bean-headed people around the table. I couldn't see the fish without a few more looks - now I can't not see them! This style doesn't really appeal to me at all, although I can appreciate it better if I know what the artist intended (usually through the title given.)
  5. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

    I don't like either really....
    I must buy one or die horribly?= B. ;)
    Aquitaine and verybrad like this.
  6. GaleriaGila

    GaleriaGila Hola, y'all!

    Painting A has a feel of industrial construction... cement, plaster, stuff like that, which is an interesting way to treat what looks to me like a still life of flowers or fruits. I like it alright.
    Painting B is religious... Catholic... we have the virgin, fish, a couple of saints, and the overall treatment of subjects is calm, serene.
    Concerning both, I don't think they complement each other very much.
    I wouldn't buy either, but I would enjoy seeing them at somebody's house, and I would comment.
    I am such a mealy-mouth... I just realized that I approach ANY painting or work with the goal of finding what I can like and compliment. Good thing I don't buy/resell paintings, isn't it? Yesssss, it is!

    Edit - WOW... Baker and YourTurn... we are seeing similar things!
  7. TheOLdGuy

    TheOLdGuy Well-Known Member

    This is just a quick stop to drop off an interesting item I came across. It is meant to assist the group and assure all that our taste in art is far superior in comparison to some others.

    Brad, and all. Do you believe we shall ever be able to fully understand how varied people interpret art, and its value?

    ~ ArtRight.JPG

    This was borrowed to assist in a study being conducted by a non-profit group of artists and art historians. ~
    verybrad likes this.
  8. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Before I answer this, can I see a better picture of the picture of the potato so that I can appreciate it more fully? :woot:
    komokwa, Aquitaine and KingofThings like this.
  9. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Maybe if the potato has Jesus' face in it??? Absolutely NO disrespect meant!
    KingofThings and verybrad like this.
  10. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    Painting A - I can't make anything out of it, and therefore do not care for it.
    Painting B - could be religious - but see 3 people, half a piece of fruit, a breadboard with sticks of bread, loaf of bread on the other side and a platter of fish.....family getting ready for dinner?? Not my style, but nicely done....it's OK!
    KingofThings and verybrad like this.
  11. TheOLdGuy

    TheOLdGuy Well-Known Member

    Brad, that picture/article is in the current Time magazine. Bottom of the three "Trending" stories. In other words - rare - weird - unusual happenings. The entire article is three inches long, the picture one square inch.
    It doesn't seem to matter how small or big it is. Similar results. So I'll give you a 600 width.
    To me, it's a potato. I think someone would have to really stretch their imagination to see MAYBE a nose and mouth on the bottom.

    Thanks again, King. Last thanks Potato600.JPG .

    verybrad likes this.
  12. TheOLdGuy

    TheOLdGuy Well-Known Member

    Something just occurred to me - after last night's 60 Minutes on TV.

    Maybe that potato sale was a way of laundering money. If so, the seller should have to pay a tax on the profit. What the heck did HE pay for it, if anything.
    verybrad likes this.
  13. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    That so called potato is actually the only known photo of asteroid M-615....
    It's current whereabouts are unknown , but there's word of a chip wagon in east Suffolk.....who's fare is said to be .....out of this world !!!

    TheOLdGuy, verybrad and KingofThings like this.
  14. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Heck ..... He didn't even wash it first :eek:

    KingofThings and komokwa like this.
  15. TheOLdGuy

    TheOLdGuy Well-Known Member

    Thank you very much, young man.

    It does look a lot better now.

    I usually only wash them before baking.

    I must presume Kevin Obosch is a realist.
    verybrad likes this.
  16. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    This potato brings up a very good point. If this were not by a famous photographer would this be worth anywhere near a million Euros? Of course it wouldn't. I am sure that there are many very good photographers that could take pictures of potatoes every bit as good as this or better. There is a point where art appreciation and value goes beyond the intrinsic evaluation of the work. Of the million Euros, 999,900.00 or more of it is hype.
    lloyd249 and KingofThings like this.
  17. KingofThings

    KingofThings 'Illiteracy is a terrible thing to waist' - MHH

    2 POUNDS for $1 here with club card. :)
    judy and verybrad like this.
  18. TheOLdGuy

    TheOLdGuy Well-Known Member

    Yeah, King. But those eventually grow eyes and get spongy. The photo won't.

    I just did a quick research on the artist. No previous sales similar. He is paid $150,000 for portraits of famous people. He said the buyer was a dinner guest at his (Obosch's) french home and may have had too much wine when he said he admired and wanted to buy the picture on the wall. After much negotiation - and wine - It was actually one and one half million U.S. dollars.

    I'll chime in here on the pictures.
    I don't care for either. If required to make a choice it would be B.
    verybrad likes this.
  19. Figtree3

    Figtree3 What would you do if you weren't afraid?

    Well, I've been missing in action from Antiquers for about a week and a half, until the other day. So missed this thread up to now. And, have just gone through the whole thing and read most of the comments. Whew!

    First I'll say that Gila and I have something in common. She wrote: I just realized that I approach ANY painting or work with the goal of finding what I can like and compliment. --- Bingo! I'm like that as well, and with more than just artwork. One way we are different, though, is that I am not a working artist -- or any type of artist at all.

    So as for the game, I'm likely to find something positive about everything. And I probably will say that I like everything... or perhaps that I don't really dislike anything.

    Painting A -- I agree with others that there is a sort of look of a stained glass window to it. Not only the dark lines, but also the swirly look in some of the panels has a bit of a look of some types of glass. And it does look like a vase of roses. The things at the base of it might not be fruit, though. They might be potatoes. :):angelic:

    I like Painting A because of the semi-defined spaces that are not really separate but all come together. The dark lines in the middle seem to connect things rather than separate them. The ones around the edges are broader and seem more separative (is that a word?). Another reason I like it is that I like stained glass windows a lot, and this reminds me of them. The colors remind me of a grimy old window that is partly obscuring what is behind it.

    Painting B -- It's funny how the comments of others influence a person. I read the entire thread so have already read about the fish, the Virgin Mary, and the rest. I did read that before looking closely at the painting. So now I'm influenced by the discussion and strongly see that in the image. I did notice the fish before reading the comments.

    Except... I just looked again and realized that there is also a bottle or carafe there, probably for wine. This is to our right of the person with the halo. And was thinking of the "loaves and fishes" story from the New Testament of the Bible. There is a small loaf of bread to our left at the top of the platter. I wonder whether the individual in the middle was supposed to be Jesus, not the Virgin Mary?

    I do like this one, too. The colors appeal to me. The fish on the platter seems to be dominant in the image. If it is religious in nature, it's interesting that the fish are so prominent.

  20. yourturntoloveit

    yourturntoloveit Well-Known Member


    "Definition of ichthus
    . . .
    1. : a representation of a fish used in ancient times as a pagan fertility talisman or amulet or as a Christian symbol for the Greek word ichthys interpreted as an acrostic in which the Greek letters are the initials of the words I ēsous Ch ristos th eou hy ios s ōtēr meaning Jesus Christ Son of God Savior"
    Figtree3, verybrad and KingofThings like this.
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