Featured New game: Yea or Nay?

Discussion in 'Art' started by verybrad, Jan 23, 2016.

  1. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    The first one looks like someone spilled their cocoa all over it. The brown doesn't attract me at all.
    verybrad likes this.
  2. antidiem

    antidiem Well-Known Member

    The first one has a good amount of artist experimentation and it appears to me to be more successful than the dragonfly one, although I do like the dragonfly part of B. Could these both be student works?
    verybrad likes this.
  3. Virginia

    Virginia New Member

    Painting A - I like the crumbling arches, because I like architecture. But it's an odd scene - more like a fairy tale illustration. There's something weird going on in the lower right. I enlarged and sharpened it, but still can't post attachments. So maybe someone else can do that. There's a creature with shifty eyes, something that looks sort of like a pear, a jug with a spout and something that looks like a sheriff's badge (no, really).

    Painting B - I first saw a swirling dancer, but on second look, I see that it's a hand coming up through those "threads". It's not really my cup of tea. I do like the color choices. It's just okay
    verybrad likes this.
  4. Virginia

    Virginia New Member

    Painting B - for some reason, all I looked at was the left and lower right of the painting.
  5. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member


    Looks like you are commenting on pair #1? I think if you read the entire thread you will find out a lot more about these paintings. We are currently on pair #10 so you have a lot of catching up to do. Thanks for joining in.
  6. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Here are the pair from #10 with their frames... or in the case of painting B, no frame at all. It is painted on a thick plywood with filled edges, painted black. I don't think it was ever framed. Painting A is on card stock and pasted to the textured background of the frame interior.

    Painting #10A bowers.jpg

    Painting #10B
    Potteryplease likes this.
  7. evelyb30

    evelyb30 Well-Known Member

    The framing on painting A definitely improves it.
    Potteryplease and verybrad like this.
  8. Virginia

    Virginia New Member

    I've been away for a long while, so yes ... I'm way behind. I also have to "re-register" in order to participate fully. So I'll be mostly lurking until I'm "legal".
    Potteryplease and verybrad like this.
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