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Need Help w/Antique Worn Leather Conservation and Conditioning
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<p>[QUOTE="Jim Goodykoontz, post: 10232705, member: 82566"]that has occurred to me. but, if it is "PAID" why the date which is stamped both on the canvas and in the leather? it just seems an odd place to put a "PAID" statement. i'm not saying it isn't PAID, just that it doesn't make a lot of sense. also, why the date? i can say for certain, statements of patent at this time were put on the things that were patented in order to uphold the rights of the patent. that's why the patent date appears on a pair of Levi's, for instance. if you look at the bag Roaring20s uploaded, which is very similar, but still different, there's a patent number stamped in between where the handle is attached to the bag.</p><p><br /></p><p>the Levi's patent is instructive in this case too. what Levi Strauss actually patented in 1873 was the use of copper rivets at points of high stress on a pair of work pants. no one else could use copper rivets for 20 years. there were other manufacturers in SF competing with Levi's but they had to use other materials for this same function for 20 years. Boss of the Road was one such manufacturer. they eventually went out of business because people just thought the Levi's were better. they definitely looked better. </p><p><br /></p><p>like i say, i don't know whether it's "PAID" or "PATD" but it would appear this bag was actually used by Wells Fargo. and, in truth, you can't be sure the other bags you see online that purport to be Wells Fargo bags were actually used by Wells Fargo or just stamped with a logo sometime after the fact in order to add value to the item. in the 19th century there were a lot of express companies. most of them are forgotten. stenciling WELLS FARGO onto an old mailbag 50 or 60 years ago would be one way to add value to an otherwise not so valuable thing.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Jim Goodykoontz, post: 10232705, member: 82566"]that has occurred to me. but, if it is "PAID" why the date which is stamped both on the canvas and in the leather? it just seems an odd place to put a "PAID" statement. i'm not saying it isn't PAID, just that it doesn't make a lot of sense. also, why the date? i can say for certain, statements of patent at this time were put on the things that were patented in order to uphold the rights of the patent. that's why the patent date appears on a pair of Levi's, for instance. if you look at the bag Roaring20s uploaded, which is very similar, but still different, there's a patent number stamped in between where the handle is attached to the bag. the Levi's patent is instructive in this case too. what Levi Strauss actually patented in 1873 was the use of copper rivets at points of high stress on a pair of work pants. no one else could use copper rivets for 20 years. there were other manufacturers in SF competing with Levi's but they had to use other materials for this same function for 20 years. Boss of the Road was one such manufacturer. they eventually went out of business because people just thought the Levi's were better. they definitely looked better. like i say, i don't know whether it's "PAID" or "PATD" but it would appear this bag was actually used by Wells Fargo. and, in truth, you can't be sure the other bags you see online that purport to be Wells Fargo bags were actually used by Wells Fargo or just stamped with a logo sometime after the fact in order to add value to the item. in the 19th century there were a lot of express companies. most of them are forgotten. stenciling WELLS FARGO onto an old mailbag 50 or 60 years ago would be one way to add value to an otherwise not so valuable thing.[/QUOTE]
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