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Navajo rugs, we think
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<p>[QUOTE="DrPam, post: 4314251, member: 15550"]First, apologizies for having to "shop" these photos of the rugs. It was harder than I thought to get each rug into the iPhone frame as straight as possible (didn't have a ladder), then needed to get rid of the busy oriental rug underneath them as best I could (hence the gray and some squiggly edges). If you see a rug's edge slightly cut off it's actually there and straight . . . had to hold the phone so high my neck wasn't long enough to fully see what I was capturing.</p><p><br /></p><p>Background -- All I know is that my grandparents had these rugs (I remember them being in their home over 50 years ago), and were supposed to have purchased them in the 1950s on a trip to "Navajo Land". [ATTACH=full]351631[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]351632[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]351633[/ATTACH]</p><p><br /></p><p>Any additional information or insight would be greatly appreciated![/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="DrPam, post: 4314251, member: 15550"]First, apologizies for having to "shop" these photos of the rugs. It was harder than I thought to get each rug into the iPhone frame as straight as possible (didn't have a ladder), then needed to get rid of the busy oriental rug underneath them as best I could (hence the gray and some squiggly edges). If you see a rug's edge slightly cut off it's actually there and straight . . . had to hold the phone so high my neck wasn't long enough to fully see what I was capturing. Background -- All I know is that my grandparents had these rugs (I remember them being in their home over 50 years ago), and were supposed to have purchased them in the 1950s on a trip to "Navajo Land". [ATTACH=full]351631[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]351632[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]351633[/ATTACH] Any additional information or insight would be greatly appreciated![/QUOTE]
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Navajo rugs, we think
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