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Textiles, Needle Arts, Clothing
Name that skin! (Cowboy boots)
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<p>[QUOTE="DragonflyWink, post: 30469, member: 111"]Used to sell exotic leathers in the '80s, with that distinctive pebbly texture and the deep graining, it's elephant - tough stuff. We had to have permits to sell a lot of the exotics, with alligator having the most stringent requirements back then (each store that stocked it needed a permit, while others fell under the corporate permits). As for endangered species 'parts' being sold <i>legally</i> on the secondary market, it's probably more complicated than I could understand - do know it varies by state and some laws have been in effect for decades. As already noted, even though elephant hide can be legally 'harvested' and sold, eBay doesn't allow it at all, probably due in no small part to their being based in California, which has very strict laws.</p><p><br /></p><p>~Cheryl[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="DragonflyWink, post: 30469, member: 111"]Used to sell exotic leathers in the '80s, with that distinctive pebbly texture and the deep graining, it's elephant - tough stuff. We had to have permits to sell a lot of the exotics, with alligator having the most stringent requirements back then (each store that stocked it needed a permit, while others fell under the corporate permits). As for endangered species 'parts' being sold [I]legally[/I] on the secondary market, it's probably more complicated than I could understand - do know it varies by state and some laws have been in effect for decades. As already noted, even though elephant hide can be legally 'harvested' and sold, eBay doesn't allow it at all, probably due in no small part to their being based in California, which has very strict laws. ~Cheryl[/QUOTE]
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Textiles, Needle Arts, Clothing
Name that skin! (Cowboy boots)
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