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Mystery Fabric Scrap
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<p>[QUOTE="GaleriaGila, post: 140163, member: 993"]In a recent thread (<a href="https://www.antiquers.com/threads/odd-clay-eagle-or-bird-necklace-na.9578/" class="internalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="https://www.antiquers.com/threads/odd-clay-eagle-or-bird-necklace-na.9578/">https://www.antiquers.com/threads/odd-clay-eagle-or-bird-necklace-na.9578/</a>), Tyeldom3 presented a cute little oddity... a clay bird figure on a raggedy "cord". After everybody had their speculations on it (including me), Tye was sweet and perceptive and saw that I was coveting it, and gave it to me! I'm still "researching" it. It's presumably hand-made as a personal token of some kind and therefore probably untraceable, buttttttt...</p><p><br /></p><p>I began to wonder if there might be a hint in the fabric used.</p><p><br /></p><p>May I have your thoughts on this scrap? Can any of you fabric brainiacs tell ANYTHING about it? It seems to be about a 30-inch scrap, cut in a thin (about a third of an inch wide) strip, and then the ends are tied to the wings. Here's a close-up, and then a shot of the whole thing (which I stole from Tye's thread), and a close-up of the bird (also stolen).</p><p><br /></p><p>Yes, I can be a little obsessive at times. <img src="styles/default/xenforo/smilies/smile.png" class="mceSmilie" alt=":)" unselectable="on" /></p><p><br /></p><p>[ATTACH=full]37028[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]37029[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]37030[/ATTACH][/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="GaleriaGila, post: 140163, member: 993"]In a recent thread ([URL]https://www.antiquers.com/threads/odd-clay-eagle-or-bird-necklace-na.9578/[/URL]), Tyeldom3 presented a cute little oddity... a clay bird figure on a raggedy "cord". After everybody had their speculations on it (including me), Tye was sweet and perceptive and saw that I was coveting it, and gave it to me! I'm still "researching" it. It's presumably hand-made as a personal token of some kind and therefore probably untraceable, buttttttt... I began to wonder if there might be a hint in the fabric used. May I have your thoughts on this scrap? Can any of you fabric brainiacs tell ANYTHING about it? It seems to be about a 30-inch scrap, cut in a thin (about a third of an inch wide) strip, and then the ends are tied to the wings. Here's a close-up, and then a shot of the whole thing (which I stole from Tye's thread), and a close-up of the bird (also stolen). Yes, I can be a little obsessive at times. :) [ATTACH=full]37028[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]37029[/ATTACH] [ATTACH=full]37030[/ATTACH][/QUOTE]
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