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Marc Chagall Bouquet de Fleurs Lithograph Poster
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<p>[QUOTE="User 67, post: 7072, member: 67"]I did not know there were collectors of Museum posters from the 1980s, but I suppose there is a collectable for everybody. I can't image there are too many collectors of Museum posters from the 1980s.</p><p><br /></p><p>Yes, I thanked (liked) Alec Sutton, above, for providing that information. And I agree when he states using such a title for a poster print is "A trifle <i>weaselly</i>, but <i>narrowly </i>within the bounds of accepted usage." when that poster print is of a lithograph specifically designed for that poster.</p><p><br /></p><p>Seriously? The first thing you do is get acquainted with printing processes. Take an extension class, read a book, go to a museum print room and ask to examine the prints, google stone litho, etc. After all that, if you can't tell the difference between an artist's stone lithograph and a post print then you are in the wrong business.</p><p><br /></p><p>I am not ignoring any facts. I am trying to help. You seem to be tying to shoot the messenger.</p><p><br /></p><p>First of all ADL didn't order stone lithos to sell to tourists in their gift shop, they ordered poster prints, nor can I imagine Chagall pumping out the thousands of prints by hand necessary to meet such a demand.</p><p><br /></p><p>If you want to find out the value of Chagall stone lithographs, in case you ever run into one at a thrift shop, please check out an Art Info Service, there are many like artist-prices.mutualart.com, artnet.com, etc.</p><p><br /></p><p>And I don't know the value of a hypothetical 'Poster print of an original lithograph' originally sold in a museum shop in 1985, but if I had one, I could take it to the hypothetical poster print convention and sell it to the only other hypothetical attendee for a hypothetical fin.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="User 67, post: 7072, member: 67"]I did not know there were collectors of Museum posters from the 1980s, but I suppose there is a collectable for everybody. I can't image there are too many collectors of Museum posters from the 1980s. Yes, I thanked (liked) Alec Sutton, above, for providing that information. And I agree when he states using such a title for a poster print is "A trifle [I]weaselly[/I], but [I]narrowly [/I]within the bounds of accepted usage." when that poster print is of a lithograph specifically designed for that poster. Seriously? The first thing you do is get acquainted with printing processes. Take an extension class, read a book, go to a museum print room and ask to examine the prints, google stone litho, etc. After all that, if you can't tell the difference between an artist's stone lithograph and a post print then you are in the wrong business. I am not ignoring any facts. I am trying to help. You seem to be tying to shoot the messenger. First of all ADL didn't order stone lithos to sell to tourists in their gift shop, they ordered poster prints, nor can I imagine Chagall pumping out the thousands of prints by hand necessary to meet such a demand. If you want to find out the value of Chagall stone lithographs, in case you ever run into one at a thrift shop, please check out an Art Info Service, there are many like artist-prices.mutualart.com, artnet.com, etc. And I don't know the value of a hypothetical 'Poster print of an original lithograph' originally sold in a museum shop in 1985, but if I had one, I could take it to the hypothetical poster print convention and sell it to the only other hypothetical attendee for a hypothetical fin.[/QUOTE]
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Marc Chagall Bouquet de Fleurs Lithograph Poster
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