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Marc Chagall Bouquet de Fleurs Lithograph Poster
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<p>[QUOTE="kardinalisimo, post: 6881, member: 118"]Hi. Thanks for your answer. </p><p>What about the term offset lithograph and how can you tell them from the fully photocopied ones? Better quality?</p><p>I also see ' original offset lithograph poster'. What is that supposed to mean? Like, the artist was involved in the design of the poster which was specifically created, let's say for an art exhibition, and differes from his other works?</p><p>Actually, the featured print comes with a frame and glass, which was the reason why it was cut down. How stupid is that. Unless, the customer wanted a specific size and did not care if the poster will be trimmed, a good frame should know not to do that.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="kardinalisimo, post: 6881, member: 118"]Hi. Thanks for your answer. What about the term offset lithograph and how can you tell them from the fully photocopied ones? Better quality? I also see ' original offset lithograph poster'. What is that supposed to mean? Like, the artist was involved in the design of the poster which was specifically created, let's say for an art exhibition, and differes from his other works? Actually, the featured print comes with a frame and glass, which was the reason why it was cut down. How stupid is that. Unless, the customer wanted a specific size and did not care if the poster will be trimmed, a good frame should know not to do that.[/QUOTE]
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Marc Chagall Bouquet de Fleurs Lithograph Poster
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