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Featured Mantilla hair comb

Discussion in 'Jewelry' started by Kimbert, Dec 6, 2018.

  1. Kimbert

    Kimbert Well-Known Member

    very kind of both of you! I'll make an effort to wear it once in a blue moon- who cares if it's old fashioned!

    eek sorry to hear that that happened to your purse! I would be super sad to have that happen! Good to know it just looks like normal ageing to you, I'll be sure to store it in a cooler spot where it can breath!
    judy, Any Jewelry, Bronwen and 3 others like this.
  2. Kimbert

    Kimbert Well-Known Member

    Oh I totally forgot about this other little fork that I found in a goodwill mixed bag- looks to also be celluloid? It looks a lot less old (1960s? wild guess?) and is much less beautiful than the first comb I posted but it's still cute- too bad so many little rhinestones are missing! I could have just sworn this thing had one of it's wings broken off but here it is found in one piece- guess I had a weird dream!
  3. Well-Known Member

    My first thought on this one is prystal applejuice bakelight, but now that I see some of the uneven coloring, I'm not so sure bakelight would wear like that. (Unless it's dirt I'm seeing on one of the 'tongs'.)

    And the other comb looks great in your hair! I think you could definitely pull that off the way that you have it without it looking too outlandish.
    judy, Bronwen, kyratango and 3 others like this.
  4. Well-Known Member

    Mmm, another thing on this one is that it has aurora borealis rhinestones which weren't used until the mid-50's. Not sure when prystal bakelite was most used, but I'm thinking earlier than then, so I think my bakelite suggestion is probably out the window.
    judy, Bronwen, kyratango and 3 others like this.
  5. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    At the risk of being pedantic (and just for general knowledgable,) the comb worn with a mantilla is called a peineta. And it's the higher combs that are actually worn with a mantilla as they allow it to drape.


    Jivvy, Any Jewelry, Bronwen and 4 others like this.
  6. Kimbert

    Kimbert Well-Known Member

    thanks! Yes the discolouration now that I look at it is actually the darker part flaking off as if it is painted on!
    judy, Bronwen, and 3 others like this.
  7. Kimbert

    Kimbert Well-Known Member

    you are right I used the wrong teminology! I was thinking "mantilla style" as in worn with the mantilla veil but didn't have the actual word for the comb so thank you for clarifying! (Though I was mistaken about it being a peineta I think because mine does not sit as high)
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2018
    judy, Bronwen and i need help like this.
  8. komokwa

    komokwa The Truth is out there...!

    I don't know to much about this type of hair comb...other than...'you wear it well'.
    but I have just learned that I'm taking my selfies the proper way....!!! :woot::woot::woot:

  9. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

    Apologies. I wasn't clear. All decorative combs are called a peineta in Spanish. However, it's only the higher peinetas that are worn with a mantilla.

  10. Kimbert

    Kimbert Well-Known Member

    ah I see! thank you!
    Bronwen and kyratango like this.
  11. Kimbert

    Kimbert Well-Known Member

    thank you!
    you're a pro! it's the classic "anonymous selfie" :D
    judy, Bronwen, komokwa and 1 other person like this.
  12. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    It is a cutie. There was a fashion for decorative combs in the late 70s-early 80s, it could be from that period. And 'plain' plastic, not celluloid. I had one with a fan on the side, in those days.
    The missing crystals can be replaced, you can buy them very cheaply on the internet.
    judy, Kimbert, komokwa and 1 other person like this.
  13. Kimbert

    Kimbert Well-Known Member

    I'm now seeing the difference in material between this one and the celluloid one, plain ol' plastic it is then! Thanks for the info! I would like to replace the crytals so will look into finding some! What kind of glue would you use to stick then on?
    I like this one- less special than the other but much more wearable being much smaller and less conspicuous!
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2018
    judy and Any Jewelry like this.
  14. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Probably a total no no, but with cheap and cheerful things with tiny crystals I use those small superglue tubes with a long thin nozzle.
    I'll go and hide now.:bag:
    judy and Kimbert like this.
  15. Kimbert

    Kimbert Well-Known Member

    hehe doesn't sound too crazy to me! It's just a little plastic thing I got for a dollar or 2 anyways, I'm willing to mess around with it!
    kyratango, judy and Any Jewelry like this.
  16. Well-Known Member

    There's a jewelry glue called E6000 that I personally use for most, but not all, repairs. It's pretty inexpensive.

    Sometimes a dollar store superglue works as well too.
    kyratango, judy and Kimbert like this.
  17. Kimbert

    Kimbert Well-Known Member

    awesome, thanks for the suggestion!
    judy and kyratango like this.
  18. Lecollectionneur

    Lecollectionneur Well-Known Member

    I've not read all posts but on this picture it's on the other side normally, you se it from front normally, but somebody said it certainly before me.:bag:
    A lot of them are made in horn to replace the expensive tortoiseshell, looking at the chips is difficult, if a horn or tortoise item is twisted or need another form you can modify it in hot water, I'm working with hot air especially to repair broken snuffboxes, but it's a lot more dangerous, that come soft like soft plastic.
  19. Any Jewelry

    Any Jewelry Well-Known Member

    Yes, I have used that method as well, and it works perfectly.
    The first one Kimbert posted is celluloid, the second one more recent and 'just' plastic, but pretty all the same.
    Kimbert and judy like this.
  20. Kimbert

    Kimbert Well-Known Member

    That's interesting that horn is so malleable- very cool!
    I don't know what you mean about it being on the other side in the picture?
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