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Let's play a game - name that pattern!
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<p>[QUOTE="MrNate, post: 2631736, member: 5515"]If I'm wrong (which I hope I'm not) it could be stainless. I'm not aware of this particular pattern being made in anything other than sterling (for the record, I have gotten this wrong in the past on a pattern, the maker made the same pattern in silverplate but used a different name for the silverplate pattern). Here's my logic of purchasing this one without asking for additional photos:</p><p><br /></p><p>1. I've done my research, and feel fairly confident I know what the backs are going to say (sterling)</p><p>2. I've felt the pain of asking a seller for a photo of the back, only for them to say back "oh, I'm so sorry I didn't realize these were sterling..." and then take down the listing.</p><p>3. If I'm wrong, I'm out $100, but if I'm right, I'm up $1000ish. So it's a good risk reward.</p><p>4. Finally...if I'm wrong, I learn in the process. Not all mistakes are cost free, but the ones that cost you teach you the most.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="MrNate, post: 2631736, member: 5515"]If I'm wrong (which I hope I'm not) it could be stainless. I'm not aware of this particular pattern being made in anything other than sterling (for the record, I have gotten this wrong in the past on a pattern, the maker made the same pattern in silverplate but used a different name for the silverplate pattern). Here's my logic of purchasing this one without asking for additional photos: 1. I've done my research, and feel fairly confident I know what the backs are going to say (sterling) 2. I've felt the pain of asking a seller for a photo of the back, only for them to say back "oh, I'm so sorry I didn't realize these were sterling..." and then take down the listing. 3. If I'm wrong, I'm out $100, but if I'm right, I'm up $1000ish. So it's a good risk reward. 4. Finally...if I'm wrong, I learn in the process. Not all mistakes are cost free, but the ones that cost you teach you the most.[/QUOTE]
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Let's play a game - name that pattern!
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