Just a Rock, or a Native American Stone?

Discussion in 'Tribal Art' started by Joan, Mar 31, 2020.

  1. all_fakes

    all_fakes Well-Known Member

    There is a beach on Whidbey Island where there are millions of rocks, rather a soft type; and they roll in the surf and get rounded into all sorts of interesting shapes, not just round or oval as they would if a harder kind of rock. It is lots of fun to look them over - look, a bear! Look, a Madonna! Here's a face! And a fish!
    I've saved a few just because they look so cool.
  2. Hollyblue

    Hollyblue Well-Known Member

    Rocks..... Washington state carnelian

    carnelian1.JPG carnelian2.JPG
  3. Joan

    Joan Well-Known Member

    Wow, did you collect the carnelian rocks yourself? Do you use them in jewelry?
    Bronwen likes this.
  4. Hollyblue

    Hollyblue Well-Known Member

    Rock collecting was a family pastime for years. Garnets,sapphires,fossils in Virginia.Quart crystals in Arkansas,geodes in Iowa,Lake Superior agates in Minnesota,Amethyst crystals in Canada,agates,petrified wood,Thunder Eggs ,sunstone,obsidian in Oregon,sapphires in Montana.I have used stone in jewelry in the past,now I just play with metal at times.
  5. Joan

    Joan Well-Known Member

    What a treasure trove, and such a fun family pastime.
  6. Shtp103

    Shtp103 New Member

    LauraGarnet02 likes this.
  7. LauraGarnet02

    LauraGarnet02 Well-Known Member

    Wow that looks like some kind of strange skeletal remains. It's very gnarly and interesting.

    You should at least give measurements and a photo of the other side and probably from several other different angles.
    Aquitaine likes this.
  8. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

  9. LauraGarnet02

    LauraGarnet02 Well-Known Member

    @i need help What category do you think this should go in?
    Aquitaine and i need help like this.
  10. smallaxe

    smallaxe Well-Known Member

    LauraGarnet02 and i need help like this.
  11. i need help

    i need help Moderator Moderator

    Antique Discussion is usually a catchall, looks like it’s been answered here already! :)
    Aquitaine and LauraGarnet02 like this.
  12. LauraGarnet02

    LauraGarnet02 Well-Known Member

    smallaxe and i need help like this.
  13. Aquitaine

    Aquitaine Is What It IS! But NEVER BORED!

    WHO knew there were SO MANY!!!!!!!!!!! Someone once told me the holes in the stones were from them getting wedged in a spot where water was able to run or drip for eons to form the holes.......I honestly dunno, but it at least sounds partially plausible!!:rolleyes::rolleyes::smuggrin: I was thinking that @Shtp103's 'rock' might possibly look like some fossilized bone....but who's or what kind, haven't a clue!!!
    LauraGarnet02 likes this.
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