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<p>[QUOTE="MrNate, post: 9485847, member: 5515"]Happy to answer Roshan Ko,</p><p><br /></p><p>Here's my criteria to determine what happens to an item I buy: I use the THREE C's:</p><p><br /></p><p><u>Collectability</u>: if an item appears to have collectability, <u>it stays out of the scrap pile</u>.</p><p><br /></p><p><u>Condition</u>: if an item has significant condition issues (ie big dents, damaged parts etc.), provided it isn't a collectable, it's going to end up in the scrap pile.</p><p><br /></p><p><u>'Cause I like it</u>: What makes it into my collection is bit harder to provide reasoning for, but generally speaking because I like the item. I'm typically hanging on to more intricate items as a general rule. </p><p><br /></p><p>What goes to auctions: currently nothing. Admittedly I've only gone the auction route once, I dissolved a large portion of my collection a few years ago; I actually probably could have done better scrapping, it was a pretty sad experience so I doubt I'll go that route in the near future unless I have an item that truly needs a specialized market.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="MrNate, post: 9485847, member: 5515"]Happy to answer Roshan Ko, Here's my criteria to determine what happens to an item I buy: I use the THREE C's: [U]Collectability[/U]: if an item appears to have collectability, [U]it stays out of the scrap pile[/U]. [U]Condition[/U]: if an item has significant condition issues (ie big dents, damaged parts etc.), provided it isn't a collectable, it's going to end up in the scrap pile. [U]'Cause I like it[/U]: What makes it into my collection is bit harder to provide reasoning for, but generally speaking because I like the item. I'm typically hanging on to more intricate items as a general rule. What goes to auctions: currently nothing. Admittedly I've only gone the auction route once, I dissolved a large portion of my collection a few years ago; I actually probably could have done better scrapping, it was a pretty sad experience so I doubt I'll go that route in the near future unless I have an item that truly needs a specialized market.[/QUOTE]
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