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How much would you offer for this painting?
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<p>[QUOTE="TheOLdGuy, post: 133432, member: 878"]Mark, IMHUAO, the flea market, etc. paintings are purchased by the multitude that want a well done symbol of ............. their choice.</p><p><br /></p><p>The Rothko that sits atop this thread, to most, has no appeal because it does not portray an iota of any genre with which they are familiar. (Modern? Ancient history?) My perception is - as it appears on my screen - there are two major colored sections. Each has smudges of different colors either under or over the blue bottom and greenish blue upper. Does not in any way appeal to me.</p><p><br /></p><p>Rather brings back memories of someone standing at the front of the class expounding on a how a certain piece of art creates x, y, z or maybe d e f sensations, etc. While running through my head are thoughts concerning how much that person is being paid while attempting to convince us that it is an immense, exceptionally inspiring, one of a kind masterpiece, while I can only envision something my neighbor's dog left on my lawn this morning.</p><p><br /></p><p>Can anyone offer a quick opinion why two symmetrical blue lines, divided by one red, as shown in post #18, has a current adjusted value of THREE MILLION DOLLARS? </p><p><b><br /></b></p><p><b>To anyone who posts </b></p><p><b><br /></b></p><p style="text-align: center"><b>"<span style="color: #0000b3">an immense, excepti</span><span style="color: #ff0000">onally inspiring, one of </span><span style="color: #0059b3">a</span><span style="color: #0000b3"> kind masterpiece.</span>"</b></p><p><br /></p><p>I can only respond with - "I used to like you."[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="TheOLdGuy, post: 133432, member: 878"]Mark, IMHUAO, the flea market, etc. paintings are purchased by the multitude that want a well done symbol of ............. their choice. The Rothko that sits atop this thread, to most, has no appeal because it does not portray an iota of any genre with which they are familiar. (Modern? Ancient history?) My perception is - as it appears on my screen - there are two major colored sections. Each has smudges of different colors either under or over the blue bottom and greenish blue upper. Does not in any way appeal to me. Rather brings back memories of someone standing at the front of the class expounding on a how a certain piece of art creates x, y, z or maybe d e f sensations, etc. While running through my head are thoughts concerning how much that person is being paid while attempting to convince us that it is an immense, exceptionally inspiring, one of a kind masterpiece, while I can only envision something my neighbor's dog left on my lawn this morning. Can anyone offer a quick opinion why two symmetrical blue lines, divided by one red, as shown in post #18, has a current adjusted value of THREE MILLION DOLLARS? [B] To anyone who posts [/B] [CENTER][B]"[COLOR=#0000b3]an immense, excepti[/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]onally inspiring, one of [/COLOR][COLOR=#0059b3]a[/COLOR][COLOR=#0000b3] kind masterpiece.[/COLOR]"[/B][/CENTER] I can only respond with - "I used to like you."[/QUOTE]
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How much would you offer for this painting?
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