Featured Hoarder or storer?

Discussion in 'Antique Discussion' started by afantiques, Sep 12, 2014.

  1. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Used to do a lot of flea markets/antique shows. Seems they really dropped off here 8-10 years ago so I quit doing them. I keep thinking that I will dip my toe back in but it has not been worth it. Last year I did a two day outdoor antique sale. Made $350.00 for $100.00 rent. This year I did a one day flea and made just slightly over $100 for $50.00 rent. Just has not been worth it for the amount of work.

    Like I said, I am doing things that actually make me some money. Besides a part time job, I have my store space that is doing well. I have shown some of what I am doing for the store in the finds thread. It doesn't cut the hoard quickly but I am making some progress. My part time job slows up considerably in the Winter so I hope to be able to work on organizing and posting on ebay a lot more than I have been lately. You can only eat an elephant one bite at a time.
  2. User 67

    User 67 Active Member

    That's cool. You don't have to like them. Some folks don't like retail sales, because of snotty nosed kids and breakage, but they still maintain a shop or booth because it makes money and they know that snotty nosed kids and breakage comes with the territory.

    As a used goods dealer, who doesn't do garage sales or flea markets, you might be limiting the potential of your inventory to make money for you, that's all. I did do flea markets as an irregular side line in the early 80s when I had a shop to unload the detritus. But then I started buying some items for the flea market. For instance, when I saw a nice basket for a quarter at a yard sale or estate sale, I'd pick it up. Even though baskets weren't a big deal, I sold quite a few for a buck or two. Then at the flea market, the dude in the booth across from me saw how well cheap baskets were selling and came over and offered to buy the lot at a 50% profit, he knew I was not a regular dealer at that market, and yes I sold them to him and then I sat back and watched him sell them here and there at a buck apiece, he still had half the baskets when we left. Why did I do it? That profit paid for my gas to the flea market and back, the way I figured, and not for much more effort than business as usual. At the same time, I was able to profit from my regular collection of stuff.
    Yes, s-o-s, I promise that some day I will show you photos of my stuff/collection,etc. so you can see how I maintain my items, and then you can snark back at me, if that makes you happy. But not today. Sorry.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
  3. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    Let me put it this way...... As a set, I can probably sell them for $100.00 - 125.00. I would be very lucky to get $40.00 for the stools alone. I sincerely doubt I could get $60.00 for the table. The set is worth more than the individual parts.

    The table is buried in the storage unit and not easily gotten to. As a businessman, I believe the opportunity cost to retrieve it right now is not worth it. Neither the stools or the table are hurting anything where they are. They are not costing me anything more by having them vs. having the entire lot. They are a tiny portion of the whole. Once I break down the storage unit, you can bet that I will put the set together and sell it.
    spirit-of-shiloh and Pat P like this.
  4. User 67

    User 67 Active Member

    Right, like I said I don't care. The questions I posed to you were rhetorical: how did the set become separated and with all the envious storage you have at home how did you arrive at the conclusion to rent storage? I'm not criticizing, I am asking as a friend. So, if you feel compelled to answer my questions, or justify your storage options, don't waste a key stroke on me, please talk to a mirror.
  5. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    {{{"Some folks don't like retail sales,snotty nosed kids and breakage comes with the territory."}}}

    Lil,I don't have the inventory that a B&M have so I can't afford any thefts or breakage nor the time it would take to drag everything out to display them only to have to drag it all back :(. Plus, I am not in retail sales ?We are ONLY allowed two garage sales a year per the City, otherwise its considered a business.

    {{{Yes, s-o-s, I promise that some day I will show you photos of my stuff/collection,etc. so you can see how I maintain my items, and then you can snark back at me, if that makes you happy. But not today. Sorry.}}}

    Snark???I just asked for you to post some of your items, this IS a "hoard/storer" thread, NOT thread on how to decorate ones home or how one does or does not utilize their space,and cost effectiveness.:arghh:
    Christmasjoy and Pat P like this.
  6. User 67

    User 67 Active Member

    You are right. If you want me to back off, I will comply.

    I just have to say that I have helped several antique hoarders to organize their collections, and even though it was always a rocky start, my help was much appreciated. With that experience, I was drawn into this conversation, perhaps something I shouldn't have allowed myself to do? And perhaps I should have qualified myself with photos and testimonials, but wouldn't that come off as more pretentious than I all ready am? Help me out here people, I know when I am being pretentious, but like Martha Stewart, I always thought that was a good thing.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
  7. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    {{{"So, if you feel compelled to answer my questions, or justify your storage options, don't waste a key stroke on me, please talk to a mirror."}}}

    Who's being snarky now???? :(

    Jusitify??????????????????? OMG!
    User 67 likes this.
  8. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    I have also seen boardies post pics of their tidy homes and they received only praise from me and others.;)
  9. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    I don't want to argue, this is a nice board and I hope it stays that way. Maybe because we are all behind a monitor we cannot grasp the total picture,ie,facial expressions,etc.
    I guess I am too sensitive but its just my opinion. Some posts appeared unsolicited advice and not so nice words,like,

    {{{"Not that I really care, but to be a little forward, I gotta say that a set of very bad stools, separated, does not make them seem that much more valuable."}}}.:(

    That is a bit hurtful to me.
    User 67 likes this.
  10. User 67

    User 67 Active Member

    I am sorry if you missed the jist of the comment you quoted, but veryb did justify his storage and I felt a little bad about that. My aim wasn't for folks to justify to the world or, heavens sake, to me of all people. My aim was advice and to get folks to reflect. If that came off as snarky, I am sorry, it wasn't my intention.

    The thing is there isn't a collector out there who doesn't have a storage problem, there isn't an antique dealer out there who doesn't have a mess somewhere. As soon as you sign into this site you are admitting to the world that you are a collector or a dealer, and well isn't this thread a bit like signing into a home-school site and being amazed at how many other people have to deal with sticky door nobs and stepping barefoot on legos? I mean, how self-unaware are we?
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
  11. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    Lil, perhaps you could start a thread on the General conversation board on decorating hints.:cat: I used to buy those magaines years ago when I had my home a show place. I also LOVE Victoria magazine and waited with bated breath for it to arrive at my door.,now they are fefunct.:(

    Also, it would be great for you to show before and after pics of your work. I reiterate,I LOVE decorating magazines. Also Sue7 was a professional home decorator and would most likely appreciate sharing her experiences ;)
    Pat P likes this.
  12. User 67

    User 67 Active Member

    Darling, I really like you. And I agree with you whole wholeheartedly on this point, but at the risk of coming off as antagonistic, which I am trying not to do, if you believe I am being too argumentative for this board, please just come right out and say that. I'm an adult. I can take it.
  13. User 67

    User 67 Active Member

    Yes, even though this was directed to veryb, I do appreciate your defense of his delicate feelings and will take that into consideration for future posts.
  14. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    I know Brad can stand up for himself believe me ;)He has decorum flowing from his every pore. I guess I was out of line but thats my nature. Did you see my suggestion on the decoraating thread? I think it would be most helpful.
    User 67 likes this.
  15. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    I have no problem with the course of this discussion. I didn't necessarily feel like the questions were rhetorical but that doesn't really matter. Any one can justify their hoarding. I am confident that there is some purpose to my hoard even if it is a bit out of hand. I know it is a bit out of hand and posted pics so that others could see. Answering questions about it goes with the territory.
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  16. User 67

    User 67 Active Member

    Right, I didn't acknowledge that. I did see it. And I will consider starting such a thread. Thank you.
    spirit-of-shiloh likes this.
  17. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    Just a little bit about me. I care for my elderly Mom who is semi bed ridden,4 horses and rescue kitties. So yes I have a HUGE hoard and messy at that.I figure I will get to it when I can,its not going to hinder my life. So I would imagine others also have other responsibilities,jobs,etc. so they too make those their priorities ;)


    I LOVE this thread as I know I am not alone in my hoard...aka junque ;) It brings about a comradery with like kind :cat:
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
    User 67 likes this.
  18. spirit-of-shiloh

    spirit-of-shiloh Well-Known Member

    Sorry BraD that I opened my BIG MOUTH. :(
  19. User 67

    User 67 Active Member

    You know, sometimes a little pin prick gets folks motivated. I am not afraid to be that prick, if I think it will help. I can't take credit for it, but I see that because of this thread it seems a member, afantiques, was motivated to clear up a room, leaving his wife utterly gob smacked.

    What beguiles me is that I don't believe that I have made a single comment on your "HUGE hoard and messy" as you describe it, and yet you have somehow taken offense. I don't remember if you posted photos, are you asking me to go back and comment on them?

    Or are you like me, sipping wine and typing at the computer at 3 AM on Saturday night and thinking, I promised myself I would never do this again, but here I am.
    Last edited: Sep 28, 2014
  20. verybrad

    verybrad Well-Known Member

    No problem. All we are doing is participating in a discussion. You responded to what you perceived and had an exchange about it. This is what the boards are about. I never think that anyone is stepping on toes in a message board. Just about anything is fair game to me. We are all good ;)
    User 67 and spirit-of-shiloh like this.
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