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<p>[QUOTE="verybrad, post: 10209004, member: 37"]Check the brass bed with a magnet to see if solid or plated (magnet will not stick if solid brass). Nice bed but not a lot of demand for double sized beds these days. Value really depends on your market and how selling. Assuming solid, would think under $500.00 in most markets but that might be a good insurance value. Here in my semi-rural Midwest location, we are probably under $250.00 for it at retail and quite a bit less at auction. A lot less if plated.</p><p><br /></p><p>Your console or sofa table is circa 1930 and of little to no value in this condition. Here, someone might pick it up for around $15.00 to use as a paint project. </p><p><br /></p><p>Your rope bed, while quite old and interesting, also would have little demand. However, as a daybed, it might do better than a bigger bed. Maybe a $100.00 or so at retail here in my area where primitives still have some following.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="verybrad, post: 10209004, member: 37"]Check the brass bed with a magnet to see if solid or plated (magnet will not stick if solid brass). Nice bed but not a lot of demand for double sized beds these days. Value really depends on your market and how selling. Assuming solid, would think under $500.00 in most markets but that might be a good insurance value. Here in my semi-rural Midwest location, we are probably under $250.00 for it at retail and quite a bit less at auction. A lot less if plated. Your console or sofa table is circa 1930 and of little to no value in this condition. Here, someone might pick it up for around $15.00 to use as a paint project. Your rope bed, while quite old and interesting, also would have little demand. However, as a daybed, it might do better than a bigger bed. Maybe a $100.00 or so at retail here in my area where primitives still have some following.[/QUOTE]
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