I still say a chamber pot cabinet. One side stored a fresh pot and the other a used one, put the used one in and slide the top over it and remove the fresh one. It may have been later altered for a different use. 22" Long, 20" High and 15 1/2" Wide, is enough to store two piss pots side by side. Handles for chamber maid to carry away. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=victorian+chamber+pot+cabinet&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=8LDlDaeaCmu5TM%3A%2Cw_To3HZR8BusYM%2C_&usg=AI4_-kRb-uu1_cqRU8rulrJFCV1lvhq8pw&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwidssKhr-jeAhWEVsAKHXxeDakQ9QEwAHoECAUQBA#imgrc=_
If it ever was a chamber pot, it didnt have a reason to have this part, which looks to me to be a catch for a latch to hold something in place within the framed area adjacent. Possible what ever was stored in the immediate left compartment that does not have the drop floor. Seems to be the same size.
Additionally, @wotacroc , does the left compartment go as deep as the right one, it appears to be a bit shallower?
One other observation. The lid has no support in the open position to support anything at all. The hinge is all it has. Additionally @wotacroc, what is the actual size(I’m guessing L 24” X D 12”) height???
If wotacroc is able to comfirm that the right compartment has a false level bottom as compared to the lefts compartment drop floor, and the size is 2’X1’ , than I’m going with this was a professional magician‘s piece to preform for the upper class. Thats my story and I’m sticking to it. Heck, It’s just a guess....
G'Day guys, thanks for all your suggestions. Have added 4 more pics with extra measurements and notes, maybe these will help a bit. Not convinced it's a chamber pot cabinet, there is no evidence that it has been altered in any way, everything looks original. Sewing cabinet maybe, but why the bottom door?, (with clasps on the inside). The Lid is solid when open or closed. Any Clues on the Burned in Crown? Cheers
This is a pic of the entire bottom, note burned in crown in centre, note small finger hole to edge of bottom opening door. Weight is 17lbs 6oz. or 7.9kg.
17lb 6oz. or 7.9kg. Not robust enuf for coal and no evidence at all of anything that may scratch or dent, or anything heavy.
This is a pic of the entire bottom, note burned in crown in centre, note small finger hole to edge of bottom opening door. Weight is 17lbs 6oz. or 7.9kg.
I don' think it ever held a chamber pot. The inside looks too shallow to hold one. Perhaps a sewing caddy and perhaps it also held an early sewing machine? But, if so, one can't sit at this cabinet and sew.
G'Day 'ALittleBit', I agree, never been a chamber pot in here. Sewing Caddy ?, maybe, Not convinced till I find out what the bottom opening door is for??? and why 1 side is only about half the depth of the other, (total waste of space, unless for a reason?).
I showed the pics to a furniture antique dealer friend of mine, he's been in the business 45 years. He thinks its been messed with, cobbled up from other parts, however his suggestion is a Victorian Ballot Box. I Googled Australian Victorian ballot box and there are several but non like yours. https://www.google.co.uk/search?biw...67j0i7i30j0i8i7i30j0i8i30.0e9IrtkMQy0#imgrc=_