Featured Help w/ID Mid Century Cubist Painting

Discussion in 'Art' started by Jim Goodykoontz, Nov 25, 2024.

  1. Jim Goodykoontz

    Jim Goodykoontz Active Member

    yes, at this point i'm open to ANY ideas! i just finished going through every K entry on the Mutual Art index of artists names(several hours). nothing really jumps out. i'm sure i'm misreading at least a couple of characters in that signature. i tried to focus mostly on the last half of the name as those characters seem more legible. it's either hajaw or bajaw or hayaw or bayaw and allowing for possible variations on those possibilities(given i could be misreading the two characters at the end) i can tell you there really aren't many to choose from. anyway, there's still the possibility that someone might stumble onto this post and just plain recognize the work or the signature, other than that this piece has totally stumped me.
    Figtree3 likes this.
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