Help in the identity of a print(color print infront text at the back)

Discussion in 'Art' started by TT Antique, Mar 18, 2017.

  1. Mansons2005

    Mansons2005 Nasty by Nature, Curmudgeon by Choice

    I can understand your frustration with that - some years ago we were trying to dispose of a set of large prints entitled "The History Of Banking" by an artist who's name I no longer remember. They were in a large NUMBERED pasteboard "portfolio", obviously custom manufactured, but not a one off. We found dozens of the prints available singly or in sets of two, but never did locate a complete portfolio of all 12? 24? (I forget the count now).
  2. jasmine stewart

    jasmine stewart New Member

    I have the full 12 months in frames, quite old. On the back of one of the prints which was loose, so I opened it, the name of the book, and also a description in Latin of the scene. These are printed in red. On the back of the frame , expertly framed is written the month it depicts as there is nothing at all to say what the picture is of from looking at the paintings. They seem to be done in water colour but are identical to the book they came from. Do you know anymore about them or who would know.
  3. jasmine stewart

    jasmine stewart New Member

    Grimani Breviary. I have 12, seasons of the month. all old, framed. Nothing to indicate the picture or painter. So one was loose so i looked on the back. The back of the prints in red print has the name Grimani Breviary on the left. In the center it has what I think is the description of the scene in Latin. All the scenes are identical even the framing of the picture as is the originals have. All but one are still sealed. Written on the back of the paper sealing the frames is the month of the year the scene depicts. Do you anything about these 12 prints?
  4. Debora

    Debora Well-Known Member

  5. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    It's from a Falangist magazine called Vértice, which ran from 1937 to 1946. This issue was from 1939.

    BE AWARE: This is a Google search, but if you click on the only link it leads to, you will automatically download a PDF of the full magazine (of which these illustrations are a very small part):"nota+del+caudillo+sobra+la+retirada+de+voluntarios"

    (recognizing that this thread originated in 2017)

    January, from the Grimani Breviary (as stated):
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2023
    Bakersgma and komokwa like this.
  6. moreotherstuff

    moreotherstuff Izorizent

    The illustrations in the Grimani Breviary, c1515, draw very heavily on the illustrations from the Trés Riches Heures du Duc de Berry by the Limbourg brothers 200 years previous.
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