Ohhh, don't want to break your heart (or question anyone's eyesight) - but that is a frog... ~ Cheryl http://www.rainforest-alliance.org/business/marketing/marks/certified
I just found out in the RANTS/RAVES!!!! We've been infiltrated... I mean INTEGRATED! I'm laughing so hard I scared the parrot!!!
I have a couple but not THAT one! Rex has quote a few designs... I badly need THAT ONE, now that I know it exists! You actually have this in hand? May I have it? May I offer postage, or a pound of flesh or whatever it takes?
this one is from the Pinot Noir. I also got a Merlot with the same label, so the cork may be the same too. PM me your address along with that pound of flesh and I'll get them in the mail in a few days. here's the label:
Messaging you now... !!!! Thanks a million. I do collect duplicates of really nice ones, too. Just like collectors of other fine items!
So I was bidding on an eBay auction of 100 wine corks because I spotted 2 bird corks in them... rare ones I didn't yet have. I have done this before... I give the other corks away and keep the bird corks. But a guy in Australia was outbidding me. I messaged him and asked if he would sell me just the bird ones... he also sells on eBay. He wrote back and politely explained that he was BUYING the lot for the bird corks because he COLLECTS them. I was shocked. I replied that I do too, and would he like to compare/trade? He said no, he keeps all he gets. What a weirdo! Oh, wait... so am I. I wonder if there are others. I wonder how I would find them. Don't I have better things to think about? Guess not!
Hi Gila, You are not weird. Now, many years ago it was suggested to start saving the stickers on bananas, really. Ten of thousands of people are collecting old telephone cards. You are collecting a special thing for your own enjoyment. You are not collecting corks to make you rich. Enjoy the corks and do not worry about being weird. Hell, we all are weird. greg
sounds like more of a hoarder than a collector. seems many cork collectors consider the wine as the craft and the corks, well:
Oh my.... Are the French cards from 1989 still worth a lot? I have one.... I ignored all the others left in phone booths.
Unfortunately he is now aware of your searches. Remember... If he's native to Australia he's a mutineer...
Thank you, Gregggsie, always supportive. And yeah, pretty sure everybody here is weird. Mr. Cakes, at any one time on eBay you can find thousands of corks for sale. Certain sellers offer a huge and constant volume. I guess I GET the craft thing, but what I wonder is where they GET all those corks. Restaurants?
And thank you, Kingsie, for the recent unexpected but much appreciated batch of corks. There were several that I don't have and a couple I never even heard of. Altogether, a good month for bird corks so far, thanks to my good buddies Messers. King and Cake!