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Glass Elephant Jar

Discussion in 'Pottery, Glass, and Porcelain' started by kardinalisimo, Jan 1, 2016.

  1. TheOLdGuy

    TheOLdGuy Well-Known Member

    Last known Asian repro was in the late 90s. That's the one shown above in black. I've been told that new molds are being made by computer. Can be replicated by machine using a 3D original piece. Cost about $5,000. Not verified as far as I know. What would a piece like this sell for in a gift shop? $25., $34.95?

    What would it sell for in an antique store.?

    Gotta run. CYL
  2. dgbjwc

    dgbjwc Well-Known Member

    Darn, I know I've seen that finish somewhere but can't pull it out of whatever part of my memory it's hiding in. It's rather like an oil spot in a puddle.
  3. Nancy Mihalek

    Nancy Mihalek New Member

    Co Operative flint Glass in beaver Falls Penna. made these originally. I've never seen one this color though
  4. Marie Forjan

    Marie Forjan Well-Known Member

    It does look like a stain finish :writer:
  5. Cherryhill

    Cherryhill Well-Known Member

    I come late to this elephant.... I don't think anyone's mentioned it, but the color is applied. There's no way pressed glass can be colored like that without it being applied as a stain.

    If this has been discussed, sorry, I missed it.

    Marie beat me to it.
    judy likes this.
  6. Jivvy

    Jivvy the research is my favorite

    Is it possible some Pinterest Crafter has gotten after it? It looks a lot like a popular crafting technique that uses alcohol inks.
    judy likes this.
  7. Jennifer L Patton

    Jennifer L Patton New Member

  8. Jennifer L Patton

    Jennifer L Patton New Member

    I am trying to get a hold of the original person who posted these elephant photos. Today is July 26, 2022
  9. Bakersgma

    Bakersgma Well-Known Member

    Kardinalisimo was last here on Saturday, So if we Tag him there's a good chance he will reply. @kardinalisimo
    Jennifer L Patton and bercrystal like this.
  10. Jennifer L Patton

    Jennifer L Patton New Member

    Thank you!!
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