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Gibbard Dining Set
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<p>[QUOTE="Joan, post: 9817526, member: 5398"]I did a little more research and found some photos of Gibbard furniture on a Canadian website, Decade Five Furniture Company (<a href="https://www.decadefivefurniture.ca/" target="_blank" class="externalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="https://www.decadefivefurniture.ca/" rel="nofollow">https://www.decadefivefurniture.ca/</a>), that specializes in Canadian and Scandinavian mid-century furniture. Their FAQs say they purchase furniture from individuals -- <i>"In fact that is where we get a lot of our beautiful inventory. Just <a href="https://www.decadefivefurniture.ca/pages/sell-your-teak-furniture" target="_blank" class="externalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="https://www.decadefivefurniture.ca/pages/sell-your-teak-furniture" rel="nofollow">contact us</a> with a description of what you would like to sell." <a href="mailto:info@decadefivefurniture.ca">info@decadefivefurniture.ca</a>.</i></p><p><i><br /></i></p><p>They show 56 pieces of Gibbard furniture (most sold out) <a href="https://www.decadefivefurniture.ca/search?page=1&q=gibbard*&type=products" target="_blank" class="externalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="https://www.decadefivefurniture.ca/search?page=1&q=gibbard*&type=products" rel="nofollow">https://www.decadefivefurniture.ca/search?page=1&q=gibbard*&type=products</a></p><p><br /></p><p>Sometimes it's difficult to tell the difference between cherry and walnut from photos, but the Decade Five people should know what you have. The photo below is a cherry highboy shown on their website -- it has the same brass hardware on the drawer pulls as your china cabinet.</p><p><a href="https://www.decadefivefurniture.ca/products/cherry-wood-highboy-by-gibbard" target="_blank" class="externalLink ProxyLink" data-proxy-href="https://www.decadefivefurniture.ca/products/cherry-wood-highboy-by-gibbard" rel="nofollow">https://www.decadefivefurniture.ca/products/cherry-wood-highboy-by-gibbard</a></p><p><br /></p><p>[ATTACH=full]488806[/ATTACH]</p><p><br /></p><p>P.S. Their website mentions they have their own workshop for restoring furniture, but your set looks in excellent condition (even the chair upholstery looks new), so I would think they'd be very eager to buy your set, and willing to pay top dollar compared to something that needs restoration. Of course, they have to make a profit and would deduct the cost of having it picked up or shipped to their location (or maybe they'd require you to arrange/pay for delivery). On the other hand, if you find out what Decade Five would offer and feel it's too low and aren't anxious to sell, then list the set, or the table, chairs, and hutch separately, on Marketplace with prices higher than Decade Five's offer, and eventually you might find just the right buyer(s) and come out ahead.[/QUOTE]</p><p><br /></p>
[QUOTE="Joan, post: 9817526, member: 5398"]I did a little more research and found some photos of Gibbard furniture on a Canadian website, Decade Five Furniture Company ([URL]https://www.decadefivefurniture.ca/[/URL]), that specializes in Canadian and Scandinavian mid-century furniture. Their FAQs say they purchase furniture from individuals -- [I]"In fact that is where we get a lot of our beautiful inventory. Just [URL='https://www.decadefivefurniture.ca/pages/sell-your-teak-furniture']contact us[/URL] with a description of what you would like to sell." [EMAIL]info@decadefivefurniture.ca[/EMAIL]. [/I] They show 56 pieces of Gibbard furniture (most sold out) [URL]https://www.decadefivefurniture.ca/search?page=1&q=gibbard*&type=products[/URL] Sometimes it's difficult to tell the difference between cherry and walnut from photos, but the Decade Five people should know what you have. The photo below is a cherry highboy shown on their website -- it has the same brass hardware on the drawer pulls as your china cabinet. [URL]https://www.decadefivefurniture.ca/products/cherry-wood-highboy-by-gibbard[/URL] [ATTACH=full]488806[/ATTACH] P.S. Their website mentions they have their own workshop for restoring furniture, but your set looks in excellent condition (even the chair upholstery looks new), so I would think they'd be very eager to buy your set, and willing to pay top dollar compared to something that needs restoration. Of course, they have to make a profit and would deduct the cost of having it picked up or shipped to their location (or maybe they'd require you to arrange/pay for delivery). On the other hand, if you find out what Decade Five would offer and feel it's too low and aren't anxious to sell, then list the set, or the table, chairs, and hutch separately, on Marketplace with prices higher than Decade Five's offer, and eventually you might find just the right buyer(s) and come out ahead.[/QUOTE]
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